chemNRICH is the area of the stemNRICH site devoted to the mathematics underlying the study of chemistry, designed to help develop the mathematics required to get the most from your study of chemistry at A-level and university.
PhysNRICH is the area of the StemNRICH site devoted to the mathematics underlying the study of physics
engNRICH is the area of the stemNRICH Advanced site devoted to the mathematics underlying the study of engineering
Core Scientific Mathematics
Emmy Noether
Find out about Emmy Noether, whose ideas linked physics and algebra, and whom Einstein described as a 'creative mathematical genius'.
Pinhole camera
Ancient astronomical terms
Construct the solar system
The amazing properties of water
Find out why water is one of the most amazing compounds in the universe and why it is essential for life. - UNDER DEVELOPMENT
Big and small numbers in the physical world
Alternative record book
Big and small numbers in chemistry
Big and small numbers in physics
The power of dimensional analysis
Constantly changing
Perfect eclipse
Guessing the graph
Go spaceship go
The real hydrogen atom
Ideal gases
Ideal axes
Reaction types
Drug stabiliser
Levels of Bohr
Look at the units in the expression for the energy levels of the electrons in a hydrogen atom according to the Bohr model.
Lunar leaper
The not-so-simple pendulum 2
Gravity paths
Keep your momentum going
Whose line graph is it anyway?
Which line graph, equations and physical processes go together?
Big and small numbers in physics - group task
Mach attack
Earth orbit
Lennard Jones potential
Investigate why the Lennard-Jones potential gives a good approximate explanation for the behaviour of atoms at close ranges
Diamonds aren't forever
Modelling assumptions in mechanics
Escape from planet earth
Moving Stonehenge
A look at the fluid mechanics questions that are raised by the Stonehenge 'bluestones'.