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Problem-solving schools

If you'd like to raise the profile of mathematical problem-solving in your school, help your students become better problem-solvers, and connect with like-minded teachers, you may like to join our Problem-solving Schools initiative.

Hands of 4 people all on top of each other in the middle

What is the Problem-solving Schools initiative?

We aim to help you raise the profile of mathematical problem-solving in your school. Our Charter offers a framework intended to inform policy and practice.

Three primary school students wearing blue sitting at a table all looking at iPads

Becoming a Problem-solving School

Everything you need to know about joining this initiative.

A few high school students sitting at desks with a teacher standing in front

The Problem-solving Schools’ Charter

Use our Charter to help you reflect on your current practice and to agree on areas for development.

Four professional women wearing different colours in a discussion

Resources and professional development

Our support material and webinars aim to help your school move forward on its problem-solving journey.