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Impact stories

We’re committed to investigating ways to maximise the impact of NRICH through our partnerships with schools.

We’re very grateful to the schools and their teachers who share their valuable insights with our team.

Four peoples' hands holding puzzle pieces that fit together

Solving together

Promoting parental involvement in mathematics among upper primary and lower secondary learners - explore our project resources and read our research paper.

Close up photo of a university aged woman writing mathematics on a chalkboard

Going deeper

Challenging high attainers in the primary classroom - explore our project resources and read our research paper.

Blur infinite spiral pattern

The natural curriculum

Bringing inspiring BBC natural history videos into the primary classroom – explore The Natural Curriculum website and read our research paper.

Secondary school boy sitting at a desk with an open book, but looking down at a phone or calculator

Maths makes a difference

Inspiring learners to consider undergraduate study - watch Making predictions in an uncertain world and The trouble with quizzes and read our research paper.