Successful mathematicians understand curriculum concepts, are fluent in mathematical skills and procedures, can solve problems, explain and justify their thinking, and have a positive attitude towards mathematics, and to themselves as learners of mathematics.
To support Problem-solving Schools, we will be offering collections of resources, together with guidance, to help develop key mathematical thinking skills, and to nurture mathematical mindsets.
Supporting Students to Work Collaboratively
This page, and the accompanying webinar recording, suggests ways in which teachers can help students to work more collaboratively.
Being Collaborative - Primary Teachers
These problems are ideal for children to work on with others. Encourage your learners to share ideas, and recognise that two heads can be better than one.
Being Collaborative - Secondary Teachers
These problems are ideal to work on with others. Encourage your students to share ideas, and recognise that two heads can be better than one.
Developing Mathematical Thinking - Exploring and noticing
This page, and the accompanying webinar recordings, draw attention to the value of offering learners opportunities to explore and build on their discoveries.
Exploring and noticing - Primary teachers
These problems offer learners an opportunity to explore by trying something out, and reflect on what they notice.
Exploring and Noticing - Secondary Teachers
These problems will offer your students opportunities to explore and reflect on what they notice.
Developing mathematical thinking - working systematically
This page, and the accompanying webinar recordings, highlight the benefits of working systematically and the importance of offering students opportunities to appreciate the value of working in this way.
Working Systematically - Primary teachers
These problems will offer your learners opportunities to appreciate the value of working systematically in a variety of contexts.
Working Systematically - Secondary Teachers
These problems will offer your students opportunities to appreciate the value of working systematically in a variety of contexts.
Developing Mathematical Thinking - Conjecturing and Generalising
This page, and the accompanying webinar recordings, draw attention to the value of offering learners opportunities to conjecture and generalise.
Conjecturing and generalising - Primary teachers
These problems will offer opportunities for your learners to use specific examples as a springboard to generalising.
Conjecturing and generalising - Secondary Teachers
These problems will offer opportunities for your students to use specific examples as a springboard to generalising.