
Reasoning, justifying, convincing and proof - advanced

Sprouts Explained

Sprouts explained

This article invites you to get familiar with a strategic game called "sprouts". The game is simple enough for younger children to understand, and has also provided experienced mathematicians with significant food for thought.
Breaking the Equation ' \Empirical Argument = Proof '

Breaking the equation 'empirical argument = proof '

This article stems from research on the teaching of proof and offers guidance on how to move learners from focussing on experimental arguments to mathematical arguments and deductive reasoning.

Air Nets

Air nets

7 to 18
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Can you visualise whether these nets fold up into 3D shapes? Watch the videos each time to see if you were correct.
Geometry and Gravity 2

Geometry and gravity 2

This is the second of two articles and discusses problems relating to the curvature of space, shortest distances on surfaces, triangulations of surfaces and representation by graphs.
Impossible Sandwiches

Impossible sandwiches

In this 7-sandwich: 7 1 3 1 6 4 3 5 7 2 4 6 2 5 there are 7 numbers between the 7s, 6 between the 6s etc. The article shows which values of n can make n-sandwiches and which cannot.
The Bridges of Konigsberg

The bridges of Konigsberg

11 to 18
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Investigate how networks can be used to solve a problem for the 18th Century inhabitants of Konigsberg.

Yih or Luk tsut k'i or Three Men's Morris

Yih or Luk tsut k'i or Three Men's Morris

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Some puzzles requiring no knowledge of knot theory, just a careful inspection of the patterns. A glimpse of the classification of knots and a little about prime knots, crossing numbers and knot arithmetic.

What does it all add up to?

What does it all add up to?

11 to 18
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If you take four consecutive numbers and add them together, the answer will always be even. What else do you notice?
Placeholder: several colourful numbers

Binomial coefficients

An introduction to the binomial coefficient, and exploration of some of the formulae it satisfies.
A Knight's Journey

A knight's journey

This article looks at knight's moves on a chess board and introduces you to the idea of vectors and vector addition.
Picturing Pythagorean Triples

Picturing Pythagorean triples

This article discusses how every Pythagorean triple (a, b, c) can be illustrated by a square and an L shape within another square. You are invited to find some triples for yourself.

Magic Squares II

Magic squares II

An article which gives an account of some properties of magic squares.

To Prove or Not to Prove

To prove or not to prove

A serious but easily readable discussion of proof in mathematics with some amusing stories and some interesting examples.
Unit Interval

Unit interval

14 to 18
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Take any two numbers between 0 and 1. Prove that the sum of the numbers is always less than one plus their product?
IFFY triangles

IFFY triangles

14 to 18
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Can you prove these triangle theorems both ways?



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Investigate the sequences obtained by starting with any positive 2 digit number (10a+b) and repeatedly using the rule 10a+b maps to 10b-a to get the next number in the sequence.
Common Divisor

Common divisor

14 to 18
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Can you find out what numbers divide these expressions? Can you prove that they are always divisors?

Road maker

Road maker

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Which of these roads will satisfy a Munchkin builder?
There's a limit

There's a limit

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Explore the continued fraction: 2+3/(2+3/(2+3/2+...)) What do you notice when successive terms are taken? What happens to the terms if the fraction goes on indefinitely?
Summing geometric progressions

Summing geometric progressions

14 to 18
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Watch the video to see how to sum the sequence. Can you adapt the method to sum other sequences?

Mega Quadratic Equations

Mega quadratic equations

14 to 18
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What do you get when you raise a quadratic to the power of a quadratic?
Iffy logic

Iffy logic

14 to 18
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Can you rearrange the cards to make a series of correct mathematical statements?

Network Trees

Network trees

14 to 18
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Explore some of the different types of network, and prove a result about network trees.
Always Two

Always two

14 to 18
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Find all the triples of numbers a, b, c such that each one of them plus the product of the other two is always 2.

Quad in Quad

Quad in quad

14 to 18
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Join the midpoints of a quadrilateral to get a new quadrilateral. What is special about it?

Curve fitter

Curve fitter

14 to 18
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This problem challenges you to find cubic equations which satisfy different conditions.



14 to 18
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Take a triangular number, multiply it by 8 and add 1. What is special about your answer? Can you prove it?


14 to 18
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The diagram shows a regular pentagon with sides of unit length. Find all the angles in the diagram. Prove that the quadrilateral shown in red is a rhombus.
Back fitter

Back fitter

14 to 18
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10 graphs of experimental data are given. Can you use a spreadsheet to find algebraic graphs which match them closely, and thus discover the formulae most likely to govern the underlying processes?

Calculating with cosines

Calculating with cosines

14 to 18
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If I tell you two sides of a right-angled triangle, you can easily work out the third. But what if the angle between the two sides is not a right angle?
Always Perfect

Always perfect

14 to 18
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Show that if you add 1 to the product of four consecutive numbers the answer is ALWAYS a perfect square.
Kite in a Square

Kite in a square

14 to 18
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Can you make sense of the three methods to work out what fraction of the total area is shaded?



14 to 18
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The nth term of a sequence is given by the formula n^3 + 11n. Find the first four terms of the sequence given by this formula and the first term of the sequence which is bigger than one million. Prove that all terms of the sequence are divisible by 6.
Impossible sums

Impossible sums

14 to 18
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Which numbers cannot be written as the sum of two or more consecutive numbers?
Difference of odd squares

Difference of odd squares

14 to 18
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$40$ can be written as $7^2 - 3^2.$ Which other numbers can be written as the difference of squares of odd numbers?
The Converse of Pythagoras

The converse of Pythagoras

14 to 18
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Can you prove that triangles are right-angled when $a^2+b^2=c^2$?

Proof Sorter - Quadratic Equation

Proof sorter - quadratic equation

14 to 18
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This is an interactivity in which you have to sort the steps in the completion of the square into the correct order to prove the formula for the solutions of quadratic equations.
Leonardo's Problem

Leonardo's problem

14 to 18
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A, B & C own a half, a third and a sixth of a coin collection. Each grab some coins, return some, then share equally what they had put back, finishing with their own share. How rich are they?
A long time at the till

A long time at the till

14 to 18
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Try to solve this very difficult problem and then study our two suggested solutions. How would you use your knowledge to try to solve variants on the original problem?
Telescoping Functions

Telescoping functions

Take a complicated fraction with the product of five quartics top and bottom and reduce this to a whole number. This is a numerical example involving some clever algebra.
Where do we get our feet wet?

Where do we get our feet wet?

Professor Korner has generously supported school mathematics for more than 30 years and has been a good friend to NRICH since it started.
Why stop at Three by One

Why stop at three by one

Beautiful mathematics. Two 18 year old students gave eight different proofs of one result then generalised it from the 3 by 1 case to the n by 1 case and proved the general result.
Sums of Squares and Sums of Cubes

Sums of squares and sums of cubes

An account of methods for finding whether or not a number can be written as the sum of two or more squares or as the sum of two or more cubes.


Suppose A always beats B and B always beats C, then would you expect A to beat C? Not always! What seems obvious is not always true. Results always need to be proved in mathematics.
Continued Fractions II

Continued fractions II

In this article we show that every whole number can be written as a continued fraction of the form k/(1+k/(1+k/...)).

Fractional Calculus III

Fractional calculus III

Fractional calculus is a generalisation of ordinary calculus where you can differentiate n times when n is not a whole number.

Sperner's Lemma

Sperner's lemma

An article about the strategy for playing The Triangle Game which appears on the NRICH site. It contains a simple lemma about labelling a grid of equilateral triangles within a triangular frame.
Euler's Formula and Topology

Euler's formula and topology

Here is a proof of Euler's formula in the plane and on a sphere together with projects to explore cases of the formula for a polygon with holes, for the torus and other solids with holes and the relationship between Euler's formula and angle deficiency of polyhedra.
A computer program to find magic squares

A computer program to find magic squares

This follows up the 'magic Squares for Special Occasions' article which tells you you to create a 4by4 magicsquare with a special date on the top line using no negative numbers and no repeats.
An Alphanumeric

An alphanumeric

Freddie Manners, of Packwood Haugh School in Shropshire solved an alphanumeric without using the extra information supplied and this article explains his reasoning.
Powerful properties

Powerful properties

Yatir from Israel wrote this article on numbers that can be written as $ 2^n-n $ where n is a positive integer.
Euclid's Algorithm II

Euclid's algorithm II

We continue the discussion given in Euclid's Algorithm I, and here we shall discover when an equation of the form ax+by=c has no solutions, and when it has infinitely many solutions.

Proof Sorter - The Square Root of 2 is Irrational

Proof sorter - the square root of 2 is irrational

16 to 18
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Try this interactivity to familiarise yourself with the proof that the square root of 2 is irrational. Sort the steps of the proof into the correct order.
Quadratic Harmony

Quadratic harmony

16 to 18
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Find all positive integers a and b for which the two equations: x^2-ax+b = 0 and x^2-bx+a = 0 both have positive integer solutions.
Fixing It

Fixing it

16 to 18
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A and B are two fixed points on a circle and RS is a variable diamater. What is the locus of the intersection P of AR and BS?
Middle Man

Middle man

16 to 18
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Mark a point P inside a closed curve. Is it always possible to find two points that lie on the curve, such that P is the mid point of the line joining these two points?
Integration matcher

Integration matcher

16 to 18
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Can you match the charts of these functions to the charts of their integrals?
Prime sequences

Prime sequences

16 to 18
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This group tasks allows you to search for arithmetic progressions in the prime numbers. How many of the challenges will you discover for yourself?
Look before you leap

Look before you leap

16 to 18
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Relate these algebraic expressions to geometrical diagrams.
Napoleon's Hat

Napoleon's hat

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Three equilateral triangles ABC, AYX and XZB are drawn with the point X a moveable point on AB. The points P, Q and R are the centres of the three triangles. What can you say about triangle PQR?

Dangerous driver?

Dangerous driver?

16 to 18
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Was it possible that this dangerous driving penalty was issued in error?


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This is a beautiful result involving a parabola and parallels.

Trig Rules OK

Trig rules OK

16 to 18
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Change the squares in this diagram and spot the property that stays the same for the triangles. Explain...

Summats Clear

Summats clear

16 to 18
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Find the sum, f(n), of the first n terms of the sequence: 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3........p, p, p +1, p + 1,..... Prove that f(a + b) - f(a - b) = ab.
Polynomial Relations

Polynomial relations

16 to 18
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Given any two polynomials in a single variable it is always possible to eliminate the variable and obtain a formula showing the relationship between the two polynomials. Try this one.
Magic W Wrap Up

Magic W wrap up

16 to 18
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Prove that you cannot form a Magic W with a total of 12 or less or with a with a total of 18 or more.



16 to 18
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Explain why, when moving heavy objects on rollers, the object moves twice as fast as the rollers. Try a similar experiment yourself.
Model solutions

Model solutions

16 to 18
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How do these modelling assumption affect the solutions?
Power Quady

Power quady

16 to 18
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Find all real solutions of the equation (x^2-7x+11)^(x^2-11x+30) = 1.
How Many Solutions?

How many solutions?

16 to 18
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Find all the solutions to the this equation.
Code to Zero

Code to zero

16 to 18
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Find all 3 digit numbers such that by adding the first digit, the square of the second and the cube of the third you get the original number, for example 1 + 3^2 + 5^3 = 135.
More Dicey Decisions

More dicey decisions

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The twelve edge totals of a standard six-sided die are distributed symmetrically. Will the same symmetry emerge with a dodecahedral die?
Sixty-Seven Squared

Sixty-seven squared

16 to 18
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Evaluate these powers of 67. What do you notice? Can you convince someone what the answer would be to (a million sixes followed by a 7) squared?
Without Calculus

Without calculus

16 to 18
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Given that u>0 and v>0 find the smallest possible value of 1/u + 1/v given that u + v = 5 by different methods.
Pythagorean Golden Means

Pythagorean golden means

16 to 18
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Show that the arithmetic mean, geometric mean and harmonic mean of a and b can be the lengths of the sides of a right-angles triangle if and only if a = bx^3, where x is the Golden Ratio.
Stats statements

Stats statements

16 to 18
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Are these statistical statements sometimes, always or never true? Or it is impossible to say?
Three Ways

Three ways

16 to 18
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If x + y = -1 find the largest value of xy by coordinate geometry, by calculus and by algebra.
Big, Bigger, Biggest

Big, bigger, biggest

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Which is the biggest and which the smallest of $2000^{2002}, 2001^{2001} \text{and } 2002^{2000}$?
Fibonacci Factors

Fibonacci factors

16 to 18
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For which values of n is the Fibonacci number fn even? Which Fibonnaci numbers are divisible by 3?
Contrary Logic

Contrary logic

16 to 18
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Can you invert the logic to prove these statements?
Prime AP

Prime AP

16 to 18
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What can you say about the common difference of an AP where every term is prime?

Direct logic

Direct logic

16 to 18
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Can you work through these direct proofs, using our interactive proof sorters?
Flexi Quad Tan

Flexi quad tan

16 to 18
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As a quadrilateral Q is deformed (keeping the edge lengths constnt) the diagonals and the angle X between them change. Prove that the area of Q is proportional to tanX.
NOTty logic

NOTty logic

16 to 18
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Have a go at being mathematically negative, by negating these statements.

Pair Squares

Pair squares

16 to 18
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The sum of any two of the numbers 2, 34 and 47 is a perfect square. Choose three square numbers and find sets of three integers with this property. Generalise to four integers.


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Show that for natural numbers x and y if x/y > 1 then x/y>(x+1)/(y+1}>1. Hence prove that the product for i=1 to n of [(2i)/(2i-1)] tends to infinity as n tends to infinity.
Tetra Inequalities

Tetra inequalities

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Can you prove that in every tetrahedron there is a vertex where the three edges meeting at that vertex have lengths which could be the sides of a triangle?