Sliding Game
Fractions and Coins Game
Seeing Squares for Two
Tessellation interactivity
Tangram Browser
Interactive Balance
5 by 5 Mathdokus
4 by 4 Mathdokus
Less is More
Number Lines in Disguise
Always, Sometimes or Never? Shape
How long does it take?
Coded hundred square
Four-digit targets
Treasure Hunt
First Connect Three
Multiplication Square Jigsaw
Square tangram
Diagonally Square
Your number is...
Matching Fractions, Decimals and Percentages
Multiplication Tables - matching cards
Flip Flop - matching cards
Factor Lines
Colour in the Square
Which Scripts?
4 Dom
Three Way Mix Up
Ladybird Box
Tea Cups
Mystery Matrix
Triangles all Around
Largest Even
Poly Plug Rectangles
Unravelling Sequences
Triangle in a Square
An Easy Way to Multiply by 10?
Dotty Circle
Triangle Pin-Down
A Square of Numbers
1, 2, 3 Magic Square
The Number Jumbler
Missing Multipliers
Junior Frogs
Latin Lilies
Rod Ratios
Cuisenaire Squares
Rod Fractions
Board Block Challenge for Two
Gathering Gems
More Transformations on a Pegboard
Transformations on a Pegboard
Times Tables Shifts
In this activity, the computer chooses a times table and shifts it. Can you work out the table and the shift each time?
Red or Black Spinner
Light the Lights Again
Each light in this interactivity turns on according to a rule. What happens when you enter different numbers? Can you find the smallest number that lights up all four lights?
Factors and Multiples Game
A game in which players take it in turns to choose a number. Can you block your opponent?
Celebrate 25 Years of NRICH
To celebrate NRICH's 25th birthday, why not play this special version of our classic game, Got It? Can you devise a strategy so that you will always win?
Ducking and Dividing
Your vessel, the Starship Diophantus, has become damaged in deep space. Can you use your knowledge of times tables and some lightning reflexes to survive?
First Connect Three for Two
First Connect Three game for an adult and child. Use the dice numbers and either addition or subtraction to get three numbers in a straight line.
Got It
A game for two people, or play online. Given a target number, say 23, and a range of numbers to choose from, say 1-4, players take it in turns to add to the running total to hit their target.
Fractional Triangles
Use the lines on this figure to show how the square can be divided into 2 halves, 3 thirds, 6 sixths and 9 ninths.
Twice as Big?
Investigate how the four L-shapes fit together to make an enlarged L-shape. You could explore this idea with other shapes too.
Carroll Diagrams
Use the interactivities to fill in these Carroll diagrams. How do you know where to place the numbers?
Growing Garlic
Ben and his mum are planting garlic. Can you find out how many cloves of garlic they might have had?
The Remainders Game
Play this game and see if you can figure out the computer's chosen number.
Three Squares
What is the greatest number of squares you can make by overlapping three squares?
Fruity Totals
In this interactivity each fruit has a hidden value. Can you deduce what each one is worth?
Matching fractions
Can you find different ways of showing the same fraction? Try this matching game and see.
World of Tan 10 - Butterflies
World of Tan 11 - The past, present and future
World of Tan 12 - All in a fluff
World of Tan 13 - A Storm in a Tea Cup
World of Tan 14 - Celebrations
World of Tan 15 - Millennia
World of Tan 18 - Soup
World of Tan 19 - A Circular Problem
Older upper primary Flash-based interactives
The activities below are older resources which require Flash in order to run.No results found