These upper primary activities and games have interactive content. Have a play on a laptop, tablet or computer!
Tessellation interactivity
An environment that enables you to investigate tessellations of
regular polygons
Tangram Browser
Explore our selection of interactive tangrams. Can you use the tangram pieces to re-create each picture?
Interactive Balance
In this simulation of a balance, you can drag numbers and parts of number sentences on to the trays. Have a play!
World of Tan 11 - The past, present and future
Can you fit the tangram pieces into the outlines of the telescope and microscope?
World of Tan 22 - An appealing stroll
Can you fit the tangram pieces into the outline of the child walking home from school?
World of Tan 29 - The Telephone
Can you fit the tangram pieces into the outline of the telephone?
Seeing Rhombuses
Players take it in turns to choose a dot on the grid. The winner is the first to have four dots that can be joined to form a rhombus.
Seeing Parallelograms
Players take it in turns to choose a dot on the grid. The winner is the first to have four dots that can be joined to form a parallelogram.
Less is More
Use your knowledge of place value to try to win this game. How will you maximise your score?
Fruity Totals
In this interactivity each fruit has a hidden value. Can you deduce what each one is worth?
World of Tan 2 - Little Ming
Can you fit the tangram pieces into the outline of Little Ming?
Number Lines in Disguise
Some of the numbers have fallen off Becky's number line. Can you figure out what they were?
Carroll Diagrams
Use the interactivities to fill in these Carroll diagrams. How do you know where to place the numbers?
Seeing Squares
Players take it in turns to choose a dot on the grid. The winner is the first to have four dots that can be joined to form a square.
Always, Sometimes or Never? Shape
Are these statements always true, sometimes true or never true?
How long does it take?
How long does it take to brush your teeth? Can you find the matching length of time?
Matching fractions
Can you find different ways of showing the same fraction? Try this matching game and see.
Coded hundred square
This 100 square jigsaw is written in code. It starts with 1 and ends with 100. Can you build it up?
Four-digit targets
You have two sets of the digits 0-9. Can you arrange these in the five boxes to make four-digit numbers as close to the target numbers as possible?
Treasure Hunt
Can you find a reliable strategy for choosing coordinates that will locate the treasure in the minimum number of guesses?
First Connect Three
Add or subtract the two numbers on the spinners and try to complete a row of three. Are there some numbers that are good to aim for?
Square tangram
This was a problem for our birthday website. Can you use four of these pieces to form a square? How about making a square with all five pieces?
Twice as Big?
Investigate how the four L-shapes fit together to make an enlarged L-shape. You could explore this idea with other shapes too.
Nine-Pin Triangles
How many different triangles can you make on a circular pegboard that has nine pegs?
Diagonally Square
Ayah conjectures that the diagonals of a square meet at right angles. Do you agree? How could you find out?
Complete the Mathdoku grid using the clues. Can you convince us that the number you have chosen for each square has to be correct?
Your number is...
Think of a number and follow the machine's instructions... I know what your number is! Can you explain how I know?
I'm thinking of a number. My number is both a multiple of 5 and a multiple of 6. What could my number be?
Matching Fractions, Decimals and Percentages
Can you match pairs of fractions, decimals and percentages, and beat your previous scores?
Multiplication Tables - matching cards
Practise your tables skills and try to beat your previous best score in this interactive game.
Flip Flop - matching cards
Practise your number bonds whilst improving your memory in this matching pairs game.
Factor Lines
Arrange the four number cards on the grid, according to the rules, to make a diagonal, vertical or horizontal line.
Colour in the Square
Can you put the 25 coloured tiles into the 5 x 5 square so that no column, no row and no diagonal line have tiles of the same colour in them?
How many DIFFERENT quadrilaterals can be made by joining the dots on the 8-point circle?
Which Scripts?
There are six numbers written in five different scripts. Can you sort out which is which?
4 Dom
Use these four dominoes to make a square that has the same number of dots on each side.
Three Way Mix Up
Jack has nine tiles. He put them together to make a square so that two tiles of the same colour were not beside each other. Can you find another way to do it?
Teddy Town
There are nine teddies in Teddy Town - three red, three blue and three yellow. There are also nine houses, three of each colour. Can you put them on the map of Teddy Town according to the rules?
Four Triangles Puzzle
Cut four triangles from a square as shown in the picture. How many different shapes can you make by fitting the four triangles back together?
Ladybird Box
Place six toy ladybirds into the box so that there are two ladybirds in every column and every row.
Tea Cups
Place the 16 different combinations of cup/saucer in this 4 by 4 arrangement so that no row or column contains more than one cup or saucer of the same colour.
Got It
A game for two people, or play online. Given a target number, say 23, and a range of numbers to choose from, say 1-4, players take it in turns to add to the running total to hit their target.
Mystery Matrix
Can you fill in this table square? The numbers 2 -12 were used to generate it with just one number used twice.
Triangles all Around
Can you find all the different triangles on these peg boards, and find their angles?
Largest Even
How would you create the largest possible two-digit even number from the digit I've given you and one of your choice?
Three Squares
What is the greatest number of squares you can make by overlapping three squares?
Board Block Challenge
Choose the size of your pegboard and the shapes you can make. Can you work out the strategies needed to block your opponent?
Poly Plug Rectangles
The computer has made a rectangle and will tell you the number of spots it uses in total. Can you find out where the rectangle is?
Unravelling Sequences
Can you describe what is happening as this program runs? Can you unpick the steps in the process?
Triangle in a Square
Do you agree with Badger's statements? Is Badger's reasoning watertight? Why or why not?
An Easy Way to Multiply by 10?
Do you agree with Badger's statements? Is Badger's reasoning 'watertight'? Why or why not?
A Puzzling Cube
Here are the six faces of a cube - in no particular order. Here are three views of the cube. Can you deduce where the faces are in relation to each other and record them on the net of this cube?
Dotty Circle
Watch this film carefully. Can you find a general rule for
explaining when the dot will be this same distance from the
horizontal axis?
Triangle Pin-Down
Use the interactivity to investigate what kinds of triangles can be
drawn on peg boards with different numbers of pegs.
Is it possible to place 2 counters on the 3 by 3 grid so that there
is an even number of counters in every row and every column? How
about if you have 3 counters or 4 counters or....?
A Square of Numbers
Can you put the numbers 1 to 8 into the circles so that the four calculations are correct?
1, 2, 3 Magic Square
Arrange three 1s, three 2s and three 3s in this square so that
every row, column and diagonal adds to the same total.
The Number Jumbler
The Number Jumbler can always work out your chosen symbol. Can you work out how?
Missing Multipliers
What is the smallest number of answers you need to reveal in order to work out the missing headers?
Junior Frogs
Have a go at this well-known challenge. Can you swap the frogs and toads in as few slides and jumps as possible?
Latin Lilies
In this game you are challenged to gain more columns of lily pads than your opponent.
Rod Ratios
Use the Cuisenaire rods environment to investigate ratio. Can you find pairs of rods in the ratio 3:2?
Cuisenaire Squares
These squares have been made from Cuisenaire rods. Can you describe the pattern? What would the next square look like?
Rod Fractions
Pick two rods of different colours. Given an unlimited supply of rods of each of the two colours, how can we work out what fraction the shorter rod is of the longer one?
Board Block Challenge for Two
Board Block Challenge game for an adult and child. Can you prevent your partner from being able to make a shape?
World of Tan 30 - Logical Thinking
Can you logically construct these silhouettes using the tangram pieces?
World of Tan 28 - Concentrating on Coordinates
Can you fit the tangram pieces into the outline of the playing piece?
World of Tan 27 - Sharing
Can you fit the tangram pieces into the outline of Little Fung at the table?
World of Tan 26 - Old chestnut
Can you fit the tangram pieces into the outline of the brazier for roasting chestnuts?
World of Tan 25 - Pentominoes
Can you fit the tangram pieces into the outlines of the people?
World of Tan 21 - Almost there now
Can you fit the tangram pieces into the outlines of the lobster, yacht and cyclist?
World of Tan 19 - A Circular Problem
Can you fit the tangram pieces into the outline of this teacup?
World of Tan 18 - Soup
Can you fit the tangram pieces into the outlines of Mah Ling and Chi Wing?
World of Tan 15 - Millennia
Can you fit the tangram pieces into the outlines of the numbers?
World of Tan 14 - Celebrations
Can you fit the tangram pieces into the outlines of Little Ming and Little Fung dancing?
World of Tan 13 - A Storm in a Tea Cup
Can you fit the tangram pieces into the outlines of the convex shapes?
World of Tan 12 - All in a fluff
Can you fit the tangram pieces into the outlines of the rabbits?
World of Tan 10 - Butterflies
Can you fit the tangram pieces into the outline of the butterfly?
World of Tan 9 - Animals
Can you fit the tangram pieces into the outlines of the camel and giraffe?
World of Tan 8 - Sports Car
Can you fit the tangram pieces into the outline of the sports car?
World of Tan 7 - Golden Goose
Can you fit the tangram pieces into the outline of the plaque design?
Older upper primary Flash-based interactives
The activities below are older resources which require Flash in order to run.No results found