'Tis whole
Take a few whole numbers away from a triangle number. If you know the mean of the remaining numbers can you find the triangle number and which numbers were removed?
100m sprint
13 steps
2-digit square
2009 challenge
2011 digits
What is the sum of the first $2011$ digits when $20 \div 11$ is written as a decimal?
Two circles of equal size intersect and the centre of each circle is on the circumference of the other. What is the area of the intersection? Now imagine that the diagram represents two spheres of equal volume with the centre of each sphere on the surface of the other. What is the volume of intersection?
30-60-90 polypuzzle
3D treasure hunt
Some treasure has been hidden in a three-dimensional grid! Can you work out a strategy to find it as efficiently as possible?
5 by 5 Mathdokus
Can you use the clues to complete these 5 by 5 Mathematical Sudokus?
8 methods for three by one
A big power
A biggy
A brief introduction to complex numbers
A brief introduction to the Argand diagram
Complex numbers can be represented graphically using an Argand diagram. This problem explains more...
A change in code
A circuit problem
A close match
A computer program to find magic squares
A curious collection of bridges
A different differential equation
A drink of water
Rachel and Ross share a bottle of water. Can you work out how much water Rachel drinks?
A frosty puddle
A journey into stemNRICH
Follow the mathematical journey of a sixth-former as she spent four weeks working on stemNRICH problems.
A knight's journey
A KS5 proof collection
A little light thinking
Here is a machine with four coloured lights. Can you make two lights switch on at once? Three lights? All four lights?
A long time at the till
A method of defining coefficients in the equations of chemical reactions
A population survey
A geographical survey: answer the tiny questionnaire and then analyse all the collected responses...
A probability conundrum
A problem of time
A quartet of tetrahedra
A roll of patterned paper
A rolling disc - periodic motion
A sameness surely
A scale for the solar system
A shade crossed
A story about absolutely nothing
A swiss sum
A third of the area
A tilted square
A very shiny nose?
This problem explores the biology behind Rudolph's glowing red nose, and introduces the real life phenomena of bacterial quorum sensing.
Ab surd ity
About Pythagorean golden means
What is the relationship between the arithmetic, geometric and harmonic means of two numbers, the sides of a right angled triangle and the Golden Ratio?
Absurdity again
AC/DC circuits
This article, including exercises, gives a thorough grounding in the topic of AC/DC circuits.
Acceptance rate
Addicted to addition
Adding a square to a cube
Adding machine
Adding odd numbers
Adding odd numbers (part 2)
Adding to 400
Additional integrals
Adjacent additions
Advanced mathematical problem solving resources
Advanced mathematics on dotty grids
Advent calendar 2011 - secondary
Advent calendar 2020 - secondary
Our Secondary advent calendar contained twenty-four tasks for the run-up to Christmas, each one from a different past feature.
Adventures with complex numbers
Adventures with numbers
Agile algebra
Observe symmetries and engage the power of substitution to solve complicated equations.