A roll of patterned paper
In what follows I'm going to call the design above the "unit shape" and imagine it repeated endlessly along a line - rather like a stream of paper coming off a roll.
Here are two pieces from the roll :
The second piece has then been turned around (rotated 180 $^\circ$).
Your challenge:
Try to design a new unit shape (probably simpler than mine) to make a strip which looks the same after a 180 $^\circ$ rotation.
In other words, make it so that you could not say whether the torn off strip had or had not been rotated.
There are two possibilities: across and along
First the original strip could have a mirror across it.
This illustration shows the right side as the reflection of the left side
Can you create a unit shape so that the strip has reflection symmetry across a vertical mirror line ?
And where would the mirror line need to be to be placed ?
Now try a mirror 'along' the torn off strip
The mirror could be reflecting the top half,
or (below) the bottom half.
Can you make a strip that has reflection symmetry across a horizontal mirror line ?
If you'd like more of this sort of thing, try the problem called 'One Reflection Implies Another'.
Getting Started
Draw different simple blocks and just rotate them to see what happens.
Make adjustments until you get 'no-change' at rotation.Similarly with reflection : just start with anything ('simple' will help) and adjust.
Teachers' Resources
The Frieze Symmetries are an important mathematical idea.
The question is about an infinite sequence of translations mapping onto itself by :
Reflection, V (vertical mirror line)
or Reflection, H (horizontal mirror line)
or Rotation, R
or by a combination of H with a half unit shift left or right (G, glide reflection) .
This is an excellent opportunity for children to categorize : R or not R, V or not V, etc.
There are in fact only 7 categories, and there's plenty to explore and discuss as the combination options are investigated.