Unit differences

Five steps to 50
Use five steps to count forwards or backwards in 1s or 10s to get to 50. What strategies did you use?

Double or halve?

Let's investigate triangles
Vincent and Tara are making triangles with the class construction set. They have a pile of strips of different lengths. How many different triangles can they make?

Circles, circles
Here are some arrangements of circles. How many circles would I need to make the next size up for each? Can you create your own arrangement and investigate the number of circles it needs?

What's in a name?

Dicey addition
In these addition games, you'll need to think strategically to get closest to the target.

Always, sometimes or never?
Are these statements relating to odd and even numbers always true, sometimes true or never true?

Break it up!
In how many different ways can you break up a stick of seven interlocking cubes? Now try with a stick of eight cubes and a stick of six cubes. What do you notice?

Carroll diagrams
Use the interactivities to fill in these Carroll diagrams. How do you know where to place the numbers?

Triangle or no triangle?
Here is a selection of different shapes. Can you work out which ones are triangles, and why?

Digit addition
Try out this number trick. What happens with different starting numbers? What do you notice?

Clapping times

Growing garlic
Ben and his mum are planting garlic. Can you find out how many cloves of garlic they might have had?

Strike it out
Use your addition and subtraction skills, combined with some strategic thinking, to beat your partner at this game.

I like ...

Our numbers
These spinners will give you the tens and unit digits of a number. Can you choose sets of numbers to collect so that you spin six numbers belonging to your sets in as few spins as possible?

Shapely lines
This challenge invites you to create your own picture using just straight lines. Can you identify shapes with the same number of sides and decorate them in the same way?

Ip dip
"Ip dip sky blue! Who's 'it'? It's you!" Where would you position yourself so that you are 'it' if there are two players? Three players ...?

Sitting round the party tables

The add and take-away path

Largest even

Poly plug rectangles
The computer has made a rectangle and will tell you the number of spots it uses in total. Can you find out where the rectangle is?

Poly plug pattern
Create a pattern on the small grid. How could you extend your pattern on the larger grid?

What was in the box?
This box does something to the numbers that go into it. If you know the numbers that come out, what might be going on inside the box?

Two numbers under the microscope

Make 37
Four bags contain a large number of 1s, 3s, 5s and 7s. Can you pick any ten numbers from the bags so that their total is 37?

Hundred square
A hundred square has been printed on both sides of a piece of paper. What is on the back of 100? 58? 23? 19?

Ring a ring of numbers
Choose four of the numbers from 1 to 9 to put in the squares so that the differences between joined squares are odd.

Light the lights
Investigate which numbers make these lights come on. What is the smallest number you can find that lights up all the lights?

How odd

Odd times even

Lots of lollies
Frances and Rishi were given a bag of lollies. They shared them out evenly and had one left over. How many lollies could there have been in the bag?

More numbers in the ring

Stop the clock
This is a game for two players. Can you find out how to be the first to get to 12 o'clock?