Sitting round the party tables
Sitting Round the Party Tables printable sheet
Some children are at a party. They are sitting around a square table like this:

What do you notice?
You might like to focus on:
- The number of sweets that are given out altogether
- The total number of sweets that children sitting opposite each other are given
- The total number of sweets that children sitting diagonally opposite each other are given
- Or something else!
There are other similar parties happening at the same time. They have bigger square tables with more children sitting around them - perhaps 3 children on each side, or maybe more.
Draw some of these tables. What do you notice? You can choose one of the areas above to focus on, or you might have your own ideas about what to investigate.
Once you've thought about that, you might like to explore what happens with five- and six-sided tables like these:

Getting Started
You could use some practical equipment to help you work on this problem, such as counters.
Are there any special things you notice about the seats in particular places?
Student Solutions
We had some really good ideas sent in, some that were illustrated well using the computer. From Kent College we had Primrose and Charlotte, Sophie and Nia, Stephanie, Nandini and Hazel.
Well here we have a superb piece of work, sent in by Abi and Charlotte from the same school, that I would advise people to look at for working investigatively on this activity.

Teachers' Resources
Why do this problem?
Possible approach
Key questions
Possible extension
Possible support
Teacher Support
This task was created to help in the pursuance of curiosity within the Mathematics lessons.
Help may be found in the realm of curiosity in watching parts of these excellent videos.
Firstly "The Rise & Fall of Curiosity", particularly the extract [23.50 - 37.15] on "adult encouragement answering and teacher behaviour."
Secondly, "The Hungry Mind: The Origins of Curiosity", particularly the extract [8.22 - 12.29] on "Children asking questions.
First can also be found at -
Second can also be found at