This is part of our Secondary Curriculum collection of favourite rich tasks arranged by topic.
Scroll down to see the complete collection, or explore our subcollections on Perimeter and Area in two dimensions, and Surface Area and Volume in three dimensions.

Missing multipliers

The remainders game
Play this game and see if you can figure out the computer's chosen number.

Consecutive numbers
An investigation involving adding and subtracting sets of consecutive numbers. Lots to find out, lots to explore.

More Dicey operations
In these multiplication and division games, you'll need to think strategically to get closest to the target.

I'm thinking of a number. My number is both a multiple of 5 and a multiple of 6. What could my number be?

Method in multiplying madness?

Two and two
How many solutions can you find to this sum? Each of the different letters stands for a different number.

Magic letters

Strange bank account
Imagine a very strange bank account where you are only allowed to do two things...

Up, down, flying around
Play this game to learn about adding and subtracting positive and negative numbers

Can you make 100?

Climbing complexity
In the 2020 Olympic Games, sport climbing was introduced for the first time, and something very interesting happened with the scoring system. Can you find out what was interesting about it?

Number daisy

Cinema problem
A cinema has 100 seats. How can ticket sales make £100 for these different combinations of ticket prices?

Consecutive seven
Can you arrange these numbers into 7 subsets, each of three numbers, so that when the numbers in each are added together, they make seven consecutive numbers?

Round and round and round

Countdown fractions

Going round in circles

Same answer

Where can we visit?

Egyptian fractions
The Egyptians expressed all fractions as the sum of different unit fractions. Here is a chance to explore how they could have written different fractions.

Twisting and turning

More twisting and turning

Connect three
In this game the winner is the first to complete a row of three. Are some squares easier to land on than others?


Consecutive negative numbers

The greedy algorithm

Slick summing
Watch the video to see how Charlie works out the sum. Can you adapt his method?

You may also be interested in this collection of activities from the STEM Learning website, that complement the NRICH activities above.