Take three from five
Caroline and James pick sets of five numbers. Charlie tries to find three that add together to make a multiple of three. Can they stop him?
Isosceles seven
Is it possible to find the angles in this rather special isosceles triangle?
Pair products
Choose four consecutive whole numbers. Multiply the first and last numbers together. Multiply the middle pair together. What do you notice?
Speeding boats
Speed-time problems at the Olympics
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to race against Usain Bolt?
Which is cheaper?
Steel cables
Quadratic patterns
Surprising numerical patterns can be explained using algebra and diagrams...
Pythagoras perimeters
Puzzling place value
Plus minus
Attractive tablecloths
Pick's theorem
Painted cube
Negatively triangular
How many intersections do you expect from four straight lines ? Which three lines enclose a triangle with negative co-ordinates for every point ?
At right angles
Surprising transformations
I took the graph y=4x+7 and performed four transformations. Can you find the order in which I could have carried out the transformations?