Multiplication and division

There are 238 NRICH Mathematical resources connected to Multiplication and division
Interactive Balance

Interactive balance

In this simulation of a balance, you can drag numbers and parts of number sentences on to the trays. Have a play!
Let's Get Flexible!

Let's get flexible!

In this article for primary teachers, Ems outlines how we can encourage learners to be flexible in their approach to calculation, and why this is crucial.
Activities on the Gattegno Chart

Activities on the gattegno chart

In this article, Alf outlines six activities using the Gattegno chart, which help to develop understanding of place value, multiplication and division.
Journeys on the Gattegno Tens Chart

Journeys on the gattegno tens chart

Alf describes how the Gattegno chart helped a class of 7-9 year olds gain an awareness of place value and of the inverse relationship between multiplication and division.