The best card trick?
Take three from five
Caroline and James pick sets of five numbers. Charlie tries to find three that add together to make a multiple of three. Can they stop him?
Cyclic quad jigsaw
Seven squares - group-worthy task
Factorising with multilink
Always a multiple?
Method in multiplying madness?
Symmetric tangles
Ace, two, three...
Twisting and turning
Strike it out
Use your addition and subtraction skills, combined with some strategic thinking, to beat your partner at this game.
Speedy summations
Watch the video to see how to add together an arithmetic sequence of numbers efficiently.
Modular origami polyhedra
Kingsfield School - building on rich starting points
Alf and Tracy explain how the Kingsfield School maths department use common tasks to encourage all students to think mathematically about key areas in the curriculum.
Drawing Celtic knots
Here is a chance to create some Celtic knots and explore the mathematics behind them.
Turning the place over
How many?
This project challenges you to work out the number of cubes hidden under a cloth. What questions would you like to ask?
Jo Boaler explains complex instruction
A video clip of Jo Boaler talking about Complex Instruction.
Bryony's triangle
Watch the video to see how to fold a square of paper to create a flower. What fraction of the piece of paper is the small triangle?