Core scientific mathematics
chemNRICH is the area of the stemNRICH site devoted to the mathematics underlying the study of chemistry, designed to help develop the mathematics required to get the most from your study of chemistry at A-level and university.
bioNRICH is the area of the stemNRICH site devoted to the mathematics underlying the study of the biological sciences, designed to help develop the mathematics required to get the most from your study of biology at A-level and university.
Mathematical issues for biologists
Discuss and choose
This activity challenges you to decide on the 'best' number to use in each statement. You may need to do some estimating, some calculating and some research.
Big and small numbers in the living world
Build a mini eco-system, and collect and interpret data on how well the plants grow under different conditions.
Maths is everywhere!
Packing 3D shapes
What 3D shapes occur in nature. How efficiently can you pack these shapes together?
Ratios and dilutions
Dilution series calculator
Which dilutions can you make using 10ml pipettes and 100ml measuring cylinders?
Robot camera
Disease dynamics - understanding the spread of diseases
Big and small numbers in biology
Alternative record book
Biology measurement challenge
Real-life equations
Is your DNA unique?
Use combinatoric probabilities to work out the probability that you are genetically unique!
Population dynamics - part 3
Blood buffers
Population dynamics - part 2
Population dynamics collection
Population dynamics
Population dynamics - part 1
Population dynamics - part 4
Branching processes and extinction
Population dynamics - part 6
Chi-squared faker
Population dynamics - part 5
Catalyse that!
Reaction types
Drug stabiliser
Population ecology using probability
Stats statements
Whose line graph is it anyway?
Which line graph, equations and physical processes go together?