Visualising and representing

  • Fraction Match

    Fraction match

    5 to 11
    Challenge level
    filled star empty star empty star

    A task which depends on members of the group noticing the needs of others and responding.

  • Table patterns go wild!

    Table patterns go wild!

    7 to 11
    Challenge level
    filled star filled star empty star
    Nearly all of us have made table patterns on hundred squares, that is 10 by 10 grids. This problem looks at the patterns on differently sized square grids.
  • Partly Painted Cube

    Partly painted cube

    14 to 16
    Challenge level
    filled star filled star empty star
    Jo made a cube from some smaller cubes, painted some of the faces of the large cube, and then took it apart again. 45 small cubes had no paint on them at all. How many small cubes did Jo use?
  • Even and odd

    Even and odd

    5 to 7
    Challenge level
    filled star empty star empty star
    This activity is best done with a whole class or in a large group. Can you match the cards? What happens when you add pairs of the numbers together?
  • Mixing Lemonade

    Mixing lemonade

    11 to 14
    Challenge level
    filled star empty star empty star

    Can you work out which drink has the stronger flavour?

  • Crawl Around the Cube

    Crawl around the cube

    11 to 14
    Challenge level
    filled star filled star filled star
    Weekly Problem 37 - 2010
    An ant is crawling around the edges of a cube. From the description of his path, can you predict when he will return to his starting point?
  • Don't Be Late

    Don't be late

    11 to 14
    Challenge level
    filled star filled star empty star
    Mary is driving to Birmingham Airport. Using her average speed for the entire journey, find how long her journey took.
  • 17s and 23s

    17s and 23s

    11 to 14
    Challenge level
    filled star filled star filled star
    Can you form this 2010-digit number...
  • 28 - upward and onward

    28 - upward and onward

    7 to 11
    Challenge level
    filled star empty star empty star
    Can you find ways of joining cubes together so that 28 faces are visible?
  • Painted Purple

    Painted purple

    14 to 16
    Challenge level
    filled star filled star empty star
    Three faces of a $3 \times 3$ cube are painted red, and the other three are painted blue. How many of the 27 smaller cubes have at least one red and at least one blue face?