Regular polygons and circles

There are 118 NRICH Mathematical resources connected to Regular polygons and circles
Ford Circles

Ford circles

16 to 18
Challenge level
filled star filled star filled star

Can you find the link between these beautiful circle patterns and Farey Sequences?

Part the Polygons

Part the polygons

7 to 11
Challenge level
filled star empty star empty star
Draw three straight lines to separate these shapes into four groups - each group must contain one of each shape.
Fitting In

Fitting in

14 to 16
Challenge level
filled star empty star empty star
The largest square which fits into a circle is ABCD and EFGH is a square with G and H on the line CD and E and F on the circumference of the circle. Show that AB = 5EF. Similarly the largest equilateral triangle which fits into a circle is LMN and PQR is an equilateral triangle with P and Q on the line LM and R on the circumference of the circle. Show that LM = 3PQ


14 to 16
Challenge level
filled star filled star empty star
The ten arcs forming the edges of the "holly leaf" are all arcs of circles of radius 1 cm. Find the length of the perimeter of the holly leaf and the area of its surface.
LOGO Challenge 1 - Star Square

Logo challenge 1 - star square

7 to 16
Challenge level
filled star empty star empty star
Can you use LOGO to create this star pattern made from squares. Only basic LOGO knowledge needed.
Circle Time

Circle time

14 to 16
Challenge level
filled star filled star filled star
Three circles of different radii each touch the other two. What can you deduce about the arc length between these points?
Some(?) of the Parts

Some(?) of the parts

14 to 16
Challenge level
filled star filled star empty star
A circle touches the lines OA, OB and AB where OA and OB are perpendicular. Show that the diameter of the circle is equal to the perimeter of the triangle
Get Cross

Get cross

14 to 16
Challenge level
filled star filled star empty star
A white cross is placed symmetrically in a red disc with the central square of side length sqrt 2 and the arms of the cross of length 1 unit. What is the area of the disc still showing?


14 to 16
Challenge level
filled star filled star filled star
An equilateral triangle is sitting on top of a square. What is the radius of the circle that circumscribes this shape?
LOGO Challenge 10 - Circles

Logo challenge 10 - circles

11 to 16
Challenge level
filled star empty star empty star
In LOGO circles can be described in terms of polygons with an infinite (in this case large number) of sides - investigate this definition further.