Reading, writing and representing numbers
Standard index form matching
Can you match these calculations in Standard Index Form with their answers? -
Neighbourly addition
I added together some of my neighbours' house numbers. Can you explain the patterns I noticed? -
Dotty six for two
Dotty Six game for an adult and child. Will you be the first to have three sixes in a straight line?
More lower primary number sense and place value activities
More activities which will help you get a better of sense of numbers and understand what we mean by place value. -
These tasks will help learners develop their understanding of place value, particularly giving them opportunities to express numbers as amounts. -
Activities on the Gattegno chart
In this article, Alf outlines six activities using the Gattegno chart, which help to develop understanding of place value, multiplication and division.
Dot card games
These games devised by Jenni Way use dot cards which will help children see the structure of numbers 1-6 and give them confidence as they begin to add and subtract these numbers. -
Matching numbers
Can you find different ways of showing the same number? Try this matching game and see!