problem Always Perfect Age 14 to 18 Challenge level Show that if you add 1 to the product of four consecutive numbers the answer is ALWAYS a perfect square.
problem Square Number Surprises Age 14 to 16 Challenge level There are unexpected discoveries to be made about square numbers...
problem Quadratic Patterns Age 11 to 14 Challenge level Surprising numerical patterns can be explained using algebra and diagrams...
problem Pythagoras Perimeters Age 14 to 16 Challenge level If you know the perimeter of a right angled triangle, what can you say about the area?
problem Hollow Squares Age 14 to 16 Challenge level Which armies can be arranged in hollow square fighting formations?
problem Difference of Two Squares Age 14 to 16 Challenge level What is special about the difference between squares of numbers adjacent to multiples of three?
problem Factorising with Multilink Age 14 to 16 Challenge level Can you find out what is special about the dimensions of rectangles you can make with squares, sticks and units?
problem Finding factors Age 14 to 16 Challenge level Can you find the hidden factors which multiply together to produce each quadratic expression?
problem Unit interval Age 16 to 18 Challenge level Can you prove our inequality holds for all values of x and y between 0 and 1?
problem Geometric Parabola Age 14 to 16 Challenge level Explore what happens when you draw graphs of quadratic equations with coefficients based on a geometric sequence.