Creating and manipulating expressions and formulae

  • Big Fish

    Big fish

    14 to 16
    Challenge level
    filled star filled star empty star
    Granny has taken up deep-sea fishing! Last week, she caught a fish so big that she had to cut it into three pieces in order to weigh it...
  • Relative Powers

    Relative powers

    14 to 16
    Challenge level
    filled star filled star empty star
    The square of a number is 12 more than the number itself. The cube of the number is 9 times the number. What is the number?
  • Square Ratio

    Square ratio

    14 to 16
    Challenge level
    filled star filled star empty star
    A square is divided into four rectangles and a square. Can you work out the ratio of the side lengths of the rectangles?
  • Areas of parallelograms

    Areas of parallelograms

    14 to 16
    Challenge level
    filled star filled star empty star
    Can you find the area of a parallelogram defined by two vectors?
  • Walk the Plank

    Walk the plank

    14 to 16
    Challenge level
    filled star filled star empty star
    A rectangular plank fits neatly inside a square frame when placed diagonally. What is the length of the plank?
  • Harmonic Triangle

    Harmonic triangle

    14 to 16
    Challenge level
    filled star filled star filled star
    Can you see how to build a harmonic triangle? Can you work out the next two rows?
  • Multiply the Addition Square

    Multiply the addition square

    11 to 14
    Challenge level
    filled star empty star empty star
    If you take a three by three square on a 1-10 addition square and multiply the diagonally opposite numbers together, what is the difference between these products. Why?
  • Screen Shot

    Screen shot

    14 to 16
    Challenge level
    filled star filled star empty star
    A moveable screen slides along a mirrored corridor towards a centrally placed light source. A ray of light from that source is directed towards a wall of the corridor, which it strikes at 45 degrees before being reflected across to the opposite wall and so on until it hits the screen.
  • Cubes within Cubes revisited

    Cubes within cubes revisited

    11 to 14
    Challenge level
    filled star filled star filled star
    Imagine starting with one yellow cube and covering it all over with a single layer of red cubes, and then covering that cube with a layer of blue cubes. How many red and blue cubes would you need?
  • Partitioning revisited

    Partitioning revisited

    11 to 14
    Challenge level
    filled star empty star empty star
    We can show that (x + 1)² = x² + 2x + 1 by considering the area of an (x + 1) by (x + 1) square. Show in a similar way that (x + 2)² = x² + 4x + 4