
Secondary sport collection

Header - Sport
Here is a nice collection of NRICH activities related to sport, ideal for the English sporty summer of 2012.

You can also find lots of lovely activities on the pages.

Remember that our stages roughly refer to the English Key Stages in which the mathematical content is likely to be found and the number of stars indicate how difficult is is likely to be to get into the problem. All our problems are likely to contain enough depth to satisfy the most enthusiastic problem solvers!

5 to 16
| Article by
Jenny Gage & Jennie Pennant
| Published

May the best person win

May the best person win
The Paralympics

The Paralympic Games include athletes with mobility impairments, visual impairments, brain damage and other disabilities.  They started in the UK in 1948 with a small group of men who had been injured in the Second World War.  The first post-war Olympic Games took place in London that year, and on the opening day Stoke Mandeville Hospital, which has a world-famous spinal injuries centre, organised a sports competition for some of the patients.  The first official Paralympic Games, no longer restricted to war veterans, were held in Rome in 1960.  The Paralympic Games now operate in parallel with both the summer and winter Olympics - and are called the 'Paralympic' Games from the Greek word 'para' meaning beside or alongside.

Team events and some individual events are for specific categories of athletes, such as wheelchair basketball, goalball and judo for the visually impaired, boccia for people with cerebral palsy (brain injuries), and rowing for people who only have use of their arms.  In these events, people with other disabilities are excluded, and any variations in disability within the category are ignored.

In most individual events, athletes are divided into six broad categories - amputees, people with cerebral palsy, people with intellectual disabilities, wheelchair users, visually impaired people, and Les Autres.  'Les Autres' is the French term for 'others', and includes people with dwarfism, multiple sclerosis and congenital deformities.  Within each of these categories, athletes are then further sub-divided into classes according to the degree to which their disability impacts on their performance.

Classifying athletes

It isn't only Paralympic sports where people are classified in some way.  Golfers have their handicap as do race horses.  Boxers and weight-lifters are classified according to their body weight, and many amateur sports classify people on the basis of what they have achieved so far. 

Ideally each class should be as homogeneous as possible but different from other classes on the basis of certain criteria.  In the case of the Paralympics, the criteria include sex, the nature of the event, the disability category and the degree to which the athlete's individual level of disability affects their performance.  The classification needs to be seen to be fair, as far as possible.  The Paralympics are a high stake competition, so the process also needs to be rigorous. 

There are, however, many problems in grouping athletes into classes.  It is difficult to apply handicapping in a consistent way across different classes.  Racing conditions and changes in technology mean that classification frequently has to be revised.  Whether a class is small or large may give athletes an unfair advantage or disadvantage.  There have also been instances of cheating, with athletes claiming to be more disabled than they actually are in the hopes of being put into a class in which they would have an unfair advantage.

One way of avoiding such problems is to use a mathematical algorithm which focuses on athletes' performances, rather than the degree of their disability.  This also avoids the need for committees to meet to debate which class an athlete should be put into and how classification should be updated as equipment or other factors change.

One proposed method involves calculating an overall median for an event, and also calculating median performances for each class within that event.  The ratio of the median for a class compared to the overall median for the event tells us how good a particular class is relative to the others in the event.  Competitors' performances are then scaled using this ratio to get their score.  This process is illustrated at the end of this article. 


Setting students

The classification of athletes for the Paralympics is a very similar process to that of classifying students for mathematics and other lessons.  We might use criteria such as exam performance yet we are aware that this is a 'one off' snapshot of performance and therefore may not be entirely representative of a student's ability. To try and get a broader picture of performance we often add teacher assessment. Our attention may then turn to student confidence as we try and aim for conditions that will maximise a particular student's performance. Does the discussion of classification for the Paralympics above help further refine or inform our setting of students?


In the classroom - the school sports days

So what is the relevance here to school sports days and helping students to develop their mathematical thinking? The challenges we face when planning a sports day include:

  • what events to choose
  • how to allocate students to each event
  • whether we need some sort of handicapping system or whether it is simply a 'flat playing field'?

The first challenge is taken up in one of this month's stage 1 problems, Our Sports. This encourages students to look at what events they might want to include in their sports day. This could be developed at stages 2 and 3, as a sampling problem.  For instance, how many students should be asked to get a fair impression of the whole school view?  Does it matter how good at sport those asked are? What would a representative sample look like?

The second challenge depends on the purpose of the sports day.  For the Paralympics it is about peak performance and winning your event to gain the coveted gold medal. It is entirely competitive.  For a school sports day it could be that everyone should take part, which raises the question of whether  the most athletic should take all the 'medals' or not.  There may be other issues which are as important as individual performances.  The purpose will inform how students are allocated to each event.  How important is it that we are modeling our school  sports day on the real world of sport?

Students could be allocated to a particular event according to:

  • previous performance
  • their preferences
  • ensuring everyone takes part in one event
  • ensuring events are of equal size 
  • ??

By choosing one event - such as the 100m sprint - students could investigate the impact of different classification strategies.  They could select participants using the their own classification strategies, try out the race with the different groups and then compare outcomes. 

But how will they represent the results in order to make meaningful comparisons?  For stage 2 and 3 students this could lead to the idea of an average as in some way typifying a particular group, with the range giving an indication of the variability within that group.  Stage 3 and 4 students could think further about why the median might be preferable to the arithmetic mean.

The third challenge is informed by what we mean by 'fair'.  This could lead to an investigation of different handicapping systems, such as that for golf or horse-racing.  Students could explore how the system works and what it could be like in the school sports day.  In school we may want the events to be fair yet perhaps not go as far as a handicapping system.


Questions to consider

How might the size of class affect your chances of winning?

  • In a school setting, how might the size of the set/group affect a student's attainment outcomes?
  • On what grounds do we/might we make a correlation between group size and ability?

What advantages are there in using median performances rather than mean, minimum or maximum performances for each class?

  • How does this apply in a school setting in the way we may choose to group students?

Stage 3 students could also look at How Would You Score It?


Example of classification using median performances

Thanks to Professor David Percy, University of Salford, for his help with this section.

Here is a set of 50 random scores, between 0 and 100:


66 1 44 5 29 92 76 76 23 60
53 84 50 55 44 64 25 77 80 51
54 92 10 67 72 38 79 10 28 53
74 17 79 95 68 23 17 42 78 80
4 62 74 2 32 26 83 17 20 6


Suppose we want to divide the 'athletes', whose scores these are, into three equivalent groups so that we can judge who the overall medal winners should be.  We could base our classification on the median, so that we make the median of each group the same, then having scaled all the scores, see whose score is best. 

This process is illustrated below.

I start by subdividing the scores into three classes, according to whether the score is in the range 0 - 33 (Class A), 34 - 66 (Class B), and 67 - 100 (Class C).  If a high score is best, this might indicate people who are severely affected by their impairment, those moderately affected, and those only slightly affected.

Class A:   1, 5, 29, 23, 25, 10, 10, 28, 17, 23, 17, 4, 32, 2, 26, 17, 20, 6   (18 members)

Class B:   66, 44, 60, 53, 50, 55, 44, 64, 51, 54, 38, 53, 42, 62   (14 members)

Class C:   92, 76, 76, 84, 77, 80, 92, 67, 72, 79, 74, 79, 95, 68, 78, 80, 74, 83   (18 members)

The overall median for the 50 scores is 53, and the three class medians are:

mA = 17,   mB = 53,   mC = 78.5

You could ask the question here whether the median of the central group is necessarily the same as the overall median (or is it simply a consequence of the members of the groups being symmetrically distributed?).

A simple scaling factor for each group can be calculated by dividing the minimum median by each class median, giving:

fA = 1,   fB = 0.321,   fC = 0.217

(17 x 1 = 17, 53 x 0.321 = 17, 78.5 x 17 = 17)

The raw scores are then scaled by these factors to give adjusted scores from which medal winners can be determined.  

It turns out that all the medal winners would be in Class A, if a high score was best.  These are the adjusted scores:

Class A:   1, 5, 29, 23, 25, 10, 10, 28, 17, 23, 17, 4, 32, 2, 26, 17, 20, 6   

Class B:   21.2, 14.1, 19.3, 17.0, 16.0, 17.6, 14.1, 20.5, 16.4, 17.3, 12.3, 17.0, 13.5, 19.9

Class C:   19.9, 16.5, 16.5, 18.2, 16.7, 17.3, 19.9, 14.5, 15.6, 17.1, 16.0, 17.1, 20.6, 14.7, 16.9, 17.3, 16.0, 18.0  

The ranges of classes with higher medians are reduced by the scaling process.  Whereas for Class A 0 scales to 0, and 33 scales to 33, for Class B the minimum (34) and maximum (66) scale to 10.9 and 21.2 respectively, and for the minimum (67) and maximum (100) scale to 14.5 and 20 respectively.  This favours the class with the lowest median, as we have seen.

This results from choosing data by randomly selecting integers from a range, which implies that, eg. 50 is twice as good as 25.  Sporting data is not random and minimum scores are unlikely to be close to the bottom of the class, so such extreme results as this would be much less likely.

What difference would it make if class maxima were used, instead of class medians?  If we assume that a high score is good, might this make for a fairer system of score adjustment?



Header - Sport
Here is a nice collection of NRICH activities related to sport, ideal for the English sporty summer of 2012.

You can also find lots of lovely activities on the pages.

Remember that our stages roughly refer to the English Key Stages in which the mathematical content is likely to be found and the number of stars indicate how difficult is is likely to be to get into the problem. All our problems are likely to contain enough depth to satisfy the most enthusiastic problem solvers!

10 Olympic Starters

10 Olympic starters

16 to 18
Challenge level
filled star empty star empty star

10 intriguing starters related to the mechanics of sport.

Alternative Record Book

Alternative record book

14 to 18
Challenge level
filled star empty star empty star
In which Olympic event does a human travel fastest? Decide which events to include in your Alternative Record Book.
Angle of shot

Angle of shot

16 to 18
Challenge level
filled star filled star empty star
At what angle should you release the shot to break Olympic records?
Any win for tennis?

Any win for tennis?

16 to 18
Challenge level
filled star filled star filled star
What are your chances of winning a game of tennis?
Can you do \it too?

Can you do it too?

5 to 7
Challenge level
filled star empty star empty star

Try some throwing activities and see whether you can throw something as far as the Olympic hammer or discus throwers.

David and Goliath

David and Goliath

14 to 18
Challenge level
filled star empty star empty star

Does weight confer an advantage to shot putters?

FA Cup

Fa cup

16 to 18
Challenge level
filled star filled star filled star
In four years 2001 to 2004 Arsenal have been drawn against Chelsea in the FA cup and have beaten Chelsea every time. What was the probability of this? Lots of fractions in the calculations!
Going for Gold

Going for gold

7 to 11
Challenge level
filled star empty star empty star

Looking at the 2012 Olympic Medal table, can you see how the data is organised? Could the results be presented differently to give another nation the top place?

Half Time

Half time

5 to 11
Challenge level
filled star empty star empty star
What could the half time scores have been in these Olympic hockey matches?
High Jumping

High jumping

How high can a high jumper jump? How can a high jumper jump higher without jumping higher? Read on...
Light weights

Light weights

16 to 18
Challenge level
filled star empty star empty star
See how the weight of weights varies across the globe.
\Little little g

Little little g

16 to 18
Challenge level
filled star filled star empty star
See how little g and your weight varies around the world. Did this variation help Bob Beamon to long-jumping succes in 1968?
Match the Matches

Match the matches

7 to 11
Challenge level
filled star filled star empty star
Decide which charts and graphs represent the number of goals two football teams scored in fifteen matches.
May the best person win

May the best person win

How can people be divided into groups fairly for events in the Paralympics, for school sports days, or for subject sets?
Medal Muddle

Medal muddle

11 to 14
Challenge level
filled star empty star empty star
Countries from across the world competed in a sports tournament. Can you devise an efficient strategy to work out the order in which they finished?
National Flags

National flags

7 to 11
Challenge level
filled star empty star empty star
This problem explores the shapes and symmetries in some national flags.
Now and Then

Now and then

7 to 11
Challenge level
filled star filled star empty star

Have a look at the results for some events at past Olympic Games. Can you use these to predict the results at the next Olympics?

Nutrition and Cycling

Nutrition and cycling

14 to 16
Challenge level
filled star empty star empty star
Andy wants to cycle from Land's End to John o'Groats. Will he be able to eat enough to keep him going?
Olympic Cards

Olympic cards

5 to 11
Challenge level
filled star empty star empty star
Design your own scoring system and play Trumps with these Olympic Sport cards.
Olympic Logic

Olympic logic

11 to 16
Challenge level
filled star filled star empty star
Can you use your powers of logic and deduction to work out the missing information in these sporty situations?
Olympic Measures

Olympic measures

11 to 14
Challenge level
filled star empty star empty star
These Olympic quantities have been jumbled up! Can you put them back together again?
Olympic Records

Olympic records

11 to 14
Challenge level
filled star empty star empty star
Can you deduce which Olympic athletics events are represented by the graphs?
Olympic rings

Olympic rings

5 to 7
Challenge level
filled star filled star empty star

Can you design your own version of the Olympic rings, using interlocking squares instead of circles?

Olympic Starters

Olympic starters

7 to 11
Challenge level
filled star empty star empty star

Look at some of the results from the Olympic Games in the past. How do you compare if you try some similar activities?

Olympic Triathlon

Olympic triathlon

14 to 16
Challenge level
filled star empty star empty star
Is it the fastest swimmer, the fastest runner or the fastest cyclist who wins the Olympic Triathlon?
Olympic Turns

Olympic turns

7 to 11
Challenge level
filled star filled star filled star

This task looks at the different turns involved in different Olympic sports as a way of exploring the mathematics of turns and angles.

Opening patterns

Opening patterns

5 to 7
Challenge level
filled star empty star empty star
Look at some of the patterns in the Olympic Opening ceremonies and see what shapes you can spot.
Playing Squash

Playing squash

Playing squash involves lots of mathematics. This article explores the mathematics of a squash match and how a knowledge of probability could influence the choices you make.
Pole vaulting

Pole vaulting

16 to 18
Challenge level
filled star empty star empty star
Consider the mechanics of pole vaulting
Sports Equipment

Sports equipment

7 to 11
Challenge level
filled star empty star empty star
If these balls are put on a line with each ball touching the one in front and the one behind, which arrangement makes the shortest line of balls?


16 to 18
Challenge level
filled star filled star filled star
If the score is 8-8 do I have more chance of winning if the winner is the first to reach 9 points or the first to reach 10 points?
Stadium Sightline

Stadium sightline

14 to 18
Challenge level
filled star empty star empty star
How would you design the tiering of seats in a stadium so that all spectators have a good view?

The animals' sports day

5 to 7
Challenge level
filled star empty star empty star

One day, five small animals in my garden had a sports day. Who do you think won each race?

The Fastest Cyclist

The fastest cyclist

14 to 16
Challenge level
filled star filled star empty star
Andy is desperate to reach John o'Groats first. Can you devise a winning race plan?
The Games' Medals

The games' medals

5 to 7
Challenge level
filled star filled star empty star
Can you see who the gold medal winner is? What about the silver medal winner and the bronze medal winner?
The Olympic \LOGO

The Olympic LOGO

16 to 18
Challenge level
filled star empty star empty star

Can you use LOGO to draw a logo?

The Olympic Torch Tour

The Olympic torch tour

14 to 16
Challenge level
filled star filled star empty star

Imagine you had to plan the tour for the Olympic Torch. Is there an efficient way of choosing the shortest possible route?

Tournament Scheduling

Tournament scheduling

Scheduling games is a little more challenging than one might desire. Here are some tournament formats that sport schedulers use.
Track design

Track design

14 to 16
Challenge level
filled star empty star empty star

Where should runners start the 200m race so that they have all run the same distance by the finish?

Training schedule

Training schedule

14 to 16
Challenge level
filled star filled star empty star
The heptathlon is an athletics competition consisting of 7 events. Can you make sense of the scoring system in order to advise a heptathlete on the best way to reach her target?


7 to 16
Challenge level
filled star empty star empty star
Fancy a game of cricket? Here is a mathematical version you can play indoors without breaking any windows.
What's the point of squash?

What's the point of squash?

14 to 18
Challenge level
filled star empty star empty star
Under which circumstances would you choose to play to 10 points in a game of squash which is currently tied at 8-all?
Who can be the winner?

Who can be the winner?

5 to 7
Challenge level
filled star filled star empty star
Some children have been doing different tasks. Can you see who was the winner?
Who's the best?

Who's the best?

11 to 14
Challenge level
filled star filled star empty star
Which countries have the most naturally athletic populations?
Who's the winner?

Who's the winner?

14 to 16
Challenge level
filled star empty star empty star
When two closely matched teams play each other, what is the most likely result?


Exploring and noticing Working systematically Conjecturing and generalising Visualising and representing Reasoning, convincing and proving
Being curious Being resourceful Being resilient Being collaborative

Several years ago I devised a set of rules to allow you to model a football match and even a World Cup competition. The rules are so simple you can play a full World Cup in one lesson, and they're accessible enough to appeal to primary as well as secondary schools. If football, why not cricket?



The shorter form known as Twenty20 seems ideal, so here's a game that, like Twenty20 itself, is both accessible and quick to play. It also meets my requirements for a mathematical game - it must be fun to play, involve opportunity for some valid mathematics (plenty of arithmetic, data-handling, and probability), require decisions to be made, and use readily available materials (just a single die, numbered 1 to 6).


Cricket fans will know that in each match the team batting first will bat for a maximum of twenty six-ball overs, though should it lose all ten wickets any remaining overs are forfeited. Its opponents then bat for a maximum of twenty overs in turn, attempting to beat this score. Generally speaking, a batting team will hope to get off to a decent start and accelerate more and more as the innings builds to a climax. Usually this acceleration is feasible only if sufficient wickets have been conserved in the earlier stages. Should things go wrong early on there may be a need for a mid-innings retrenchment - on the other hand, at the end of the innings runs are far more important than wickets, and later on a team will take risks it wouldn't dream of taking earlier.

In a cricket game many overs will result in between one and six runs being scored. This makes it very simple to use a conventional six-faced die as a means of generating the runs scored over by over. We must also involve the bowling side as well, so for each over, both players roll the die. The batting player scores the number of runs s/he rolls, and if the bowling player rolls a 6 then the batting team loses one of its ten wickets.



These two simple rules allow an innings to be played through in just a few minutes. However, it gives a pretty anaemic game, as neither the number of runs nor the number of wickets is sufficiently large to make things at all interesting. Worse still, it's purely mechanical. I want any simulation to require pupils to make decisions (so does Attainment Target 1, for that matter). The batting side should be able to decide when to play conservatively, scoring fairly slowly but with a relatively low risk of losing wickets. At other times a more aggressive mode may be needed, and the batsmen will take more chances in an attempt to score extra runs.

This is easily incorporated. We'll call the original style of play Style 1, but we'll introduce the possibility of Style 2: at any point the batting player may decide to accelerate, so s/he rolls the die not once but twice and adds their scores to get the total score for the over. Of course, more aggressive batting means more likelihood of losing a wicket, so the bowling player also rolls twice for that over. If the bowler rolls a 6 on either throw a wicket is lost (and two 6s mean that two wickets fall). 


And since Twenty20 cricket often throws caution to the wind, there's Style 3 as well, where the batting player chooses to throw the die three times to get the total number of runs in the over. Likewise, the bowler throws three times, and each 6 means the fall of another wicket.

Now if you try this, you'll find that it's much better. However, it's still not 100% satisfactory. It's too easy for the batting side to use the super-attacking Style 3 throughout. They're unlikely to lose all their wickets and may well post a score of over 200 (in a game of Twenty20 cricket a total of below 100 is very poor, 150 might be reasonable, and the occasional 200+ marks an excellent total).

But a good simulation allows you to build in additional features to model the real situation, and in any cricket team the strongest batsmen are highest in the batting order and the later batsmen are weaker - less likely to score runs and more likely to lose their wickets. So to reflect the weakness of the lower batsmen we'll incorporate one more rule. Once the batting side has lost five wickets, further wickets fall whenever the bowling team rolls either a 5 or a 6.


Play continues, until either twenty overs have been played, or the batting side has lost all ten wickets. The players now exchange roles and the ex-bowling side now has twenty overs to try and overhaul the total made by the first team.

Particularly if you're batting second you're going to have to evaluate the position each over, and I think the game is worth playing in its own right.


There's lots of mathematics to be practised and explored in arithmetic and probability and statistics. There are plenty of opportunities for enquiry - what is the typical score per over in each batting style, and how likely are wickets to be lost in each mode? Then there's the statistical side - how do the scores we get compare with those in the real thing? (I looked up the scores of over 100 English Twenty20 games last season; scores ranged from 59 to 229, with a mean average of 165 for the team batting first and 152 for the side batting second. The average number of wickets to fall was about 6.3.)

I imagine these simple rules will satisfy most people, but there's plenty of scope for taking things further. It is possible for a team to score no runs in an over - maybe you could reassign one of the numbers on the batting teams' dice to correspond to this, or say, for example, that if the bowler rolls a 1 then the batting team scores zero for that over, regardless of what they have rolled. You might like to use a slightly less blunt instrument for distinguishing between batsmen - perhaps wickets should fall when the bowler rolls a 6 for the top four wickets, then on a 5 or 6 for the next three, and on a 4, 5 or 6 for the final three. And wickets fall most easily in the last couple of overs, so you could introduce a modification to take care of that. We have batting Styles 1 to 3; is it worth trying a Style 4? And should the play be directed entirely by the decisions of the batting side, or should the bowling team have an input into the tactics?

For further information, a convenient first port of call is the Wikipedia Twenty20 entry

7 to 16
| Article by
Alan Parr
| Published

Performing beyond expectations - using sport to motivate students in mathematics lessons

I once made a school visit in just about the heaviest rain I've ever experienced. It came down with such force that it made you wet twice, once on the way down and again as it bounced up to waist height. It continued just as hard throughout the first half of the morning, and as morning break neared a deputation of worried-looking Y6 girls approached the teacher. "Please, miss, you're not going to let a few drops of rain stop our rugby practice, are you?"



Performing beyond expectations - using sport to motivate students in mathematics lessons

As the Olympics get closer and closer it seems to me that one of the healthiest developments in recent years has been the increased opportunities for girls to participate in sport. I've recently been doing One-To-One tuition in the middle school I taught at 25 years ago. Of course the new buildings and the computer rooms are a fascinating contrast to the days when our computer was a Sinclair ZX81, but in 1985 a girls' football team was just as much pie-in-the-sky as a computer suite. The 2011 version is that we had to modify the timetable because one of my pupils wasn't prepared to miss her football practice. 


Going back even further in my own experience, I spent the first couple of years in secondary school as a boarder, and we'd spend hours simulating our own Test Matches. All you needed was a pencil and an exercise book, and if they'd ever thought to look, my teachers would have been amazed by that exercise book. To call my exercise books in mathematics untidy would be to flatter them generously - crossings out, ink blots, wrong answers and very few correct ones.

What a contrast there was in the appearance of my Test Match book - each game would take several days to play and there'd be perhaps 3000 separate pieces of information all impeccably and accurately recorded. On reflection there's no great insight needed to explain why I might have been at the bottom of the class in mathematics lessons and yet able to call upon all the mathematics I needed to explore sporting situations - I spent two weeks in the sick bay and was perfectly happy that my only company was an old copy of Wisden Cricketers' Almanack.

A good stimulus can do much more than simply encourage children to work with a bit more enthusiasm. It can unlock levels of performance way beyond all expectations. I joined a Y6 teacher using a computer package about Grand Prix racing called "Cars - Maths In Motion". Now to my mind Formula One has not one single attribute that qualifies it as a sport, but I don't mind admitting that motor racing does nevertheless stimulate some fine games. The package wasn't about cars whizzing around; indeed, there was no graphical component at all. Instead, children had to prepare a car for a race, making the best compromise between speed, power, brakes, etc, and to do this they had to do a vast amount of work involving estimating, decimals, and percentages.

The work lasted for several lessons, and the teacher told me that at one stage a visitor joined the class. She was unconvinced by the teacher's claims that a computer game about motor-racing was contributing to the pupils' mathematics and their understanding of percentages. The visitor buttonholed a child at random, choosing someone who was by no means a star in the class.

"What's 92% of 228?"

The child looked puzzled, and the teacher's heart sank.

"Go on Claire", she said, "I know you can do it. What's the answer?"

"About 209, I suppose", muttered Claire nervously.

When prompted, Claire explained her reasoning (all of which she had of course done in her head):

"10% of 228 is about 23, so if I do 228-23 I'll have 90%, but to get 92% I'll have to add back on another 2%. 1% is about 2, so the answer is about 228-23+2+2 = 209".

The visitor sat down to do some calculations on a piece of paper and several minutes later came up with a similar answer (the exact value is 209.76). When the visitor - somewhat more satisfied - had left, the teacher asked Claire why she hadn't given the answer immediately.

"It seemed too easy", she said, "I thought there must be a catch"!

This was, incidentally, another occasion when girls surpassed my rather bigoted expectations. Not only did two girls win the race, they overtook a further pair of girls whose car ran out of fuel on the final lap, and another girl left her sickbed not to miss the race. There are few computer packages which have been unsurpassed for more than twenty years, and you can find out more about this one at Maths In Motion Challenge for Schools.



Performing beyond expectations - using sport to motivate students in mathematics lessons

A little while ago I visited Arsenal Football Club's Double Club initiative. Arsenal-sponsored teachers are linked with local schools and teach lessons in basic subjects. The lessons have football-linked themes and the Arsenal teachers offer additional football lessons. I'm as keen on football as anyone, but even I could recognise there might be some downsides, so I visited with at least a small amount of scepticism in my mind. I certainly recognised benefits - the pupils, many of whom had histories of little academic success, were enthusiastic and had a real commitment to the work. The DCSF evaluation (ref DCSF-RR101, ISBN 978 1 84775 422 6) was carried out by NFER, and reports:


"It is having a positive impact on pupils' motivation and self-esteem, with young people reporting that they work hard in DC sessions and that they feel more confident and able to contribute in their other lessons. This report presents some data on attainment, which indicates that young people attending DC make good progress in basic skills. Pupils and teachers perceive the programme very positively, seeing it as an opportunity for lower-attaining young people to get additional support with their learning. The programme is viewed as engaging, motivating, well considered and adaptable."


Whether or not you want to build your teaching around football there seems a clear message here. Pupils who might not normally be motivated towards basic skills work were prepared to work hard because the work was presented in a way that they could relate to.




Performing beyond expectations - using sport to motivate students in mathematics lessons

Yes, I do think the Cars - Maths In Motion program is a terrific stimulus, but I'm equally sure that perfectly ordinary ideas also can have significant effects. Back at my middle school of a generation ago the sports staff were so committed to athletics that I was convinced that they taught the children far more about decimals and measurement than the entire mathematics team. Equally, one lesson I drew from my Double Club visit was that the material itself didn't have to be particularly creative or exciting - simply presenting a standard task adapted to a football context ensured that the routine task was perceived as having a relevance and a meaning that's so often been lacking in maths lessons. Mathematics teaching is notorious for being totally divorced from anything real, but because sport is of interest to so many it may offer a motivating context for the most prosaic of activities.


Olympic logic

Can you use your powers of logic and deduction to work out the missing information in these sporty situations?
Exploring and noticing Working systematically Conjecturing and generalising Visualising and representing Reasoning, convincing and proving
Being curious Being resourceful Being resilient Being collaborative


These four problems require some logical thinking and a willingness to work systematically.

Can you deduce the missing information in each sporty situation?

Perhaps you might develop techniques in one that will help you to solve another.


1. Medals Count

Given the following clues, can you work out the number of gold, silver and bronze medals that France, Italy and Japan got in this international sports competition?

Olympic Logic

  • Japan has 1 more gold medal, but 3 fewer silver medals, than Italy.
  • France has the most bronze medals (18), but fewest gold medals (7).
  • Each country has at least 6 medals of each type.
  • Italy has 27 medals in total.
  • Italy has 2 more bronze medals than gold medals.
  • The three countries have 38 bronze medals in total.
  • France has twice as many silver medals as Italy has gold medals.


2. Football Champ

Olympic Logic
Three teams A, B and C have each played two matches.

Three points are given for a win and one point to each team for a draw.

The table below gives the total number of points and goals scored for and against each team.

Fill in the table and find the scores in each match.



 Teams Games Played  Won  Drawn  Lost Goals For Goals Against  Points
A 2       5 3 3
B 2       2   1
C 2       3 2 4



 3. Fencing Tournament

Alice, Becky, Charlotte, Daphne, Elsie and Fran decide to compete in a fencing tournament. Each competitor has to fence against every other competitor. A match results in either a win or a loss. 

  • Image
    Olympic Logic
    No competitor lost all their matches, but one person won all their matches.
  • Daphne won her match against Becky.
  • Alice and Elsie won the same, odd, number of matches, but Alice lost to Elsie.
  • Becky and Fran won a total of seven matches
  • Charlotte won only one match, against the only other person who also won only one match.

Can you deduce what all of the results were?


4. Hockey

Olympic Logic

In a hockey competition, four teams were to play each other once. 2 points were awarded for a win, and 1 point for a draw.

After some of the matches were played, most of the information in the results table was accidentally deleted.



Team Played Won Drawn Lost For Against Points
A         4 4  
B         5   5
C   0       4 2
D         0 3 0

Can you work out the score in each match played?

Olympic measures

These Olympic quantities have been jumbled up! Can you put them back together again?
Exploring and noticing Working systematically Conjecturing and generalising Visualising and representing Reasoning, convincing and proving
Being curious Being resourceful Being resilient Being collaborative


Olympic Measures printable worksheet

Olympic Measures additional support printable worksheet

Below are some interesting measurements and records from events at the Olympic Games. Unfortunately they have been muddled up.

Can you regroup them correctly? You can print off and cut out this set of cards



11 to 16
| Article by
Arunachalam Y
| Published

Tournament scheduling

Scheduling games is a little more challenging than one might desire.

There are 2 well-known types of tournament formats that sport schedulers use.

  • Single Elimination Tournaments.
  • Round Robin Tournaments.

Single Elimination Tournaments.

In this format, one defeat is enough to eliminate a team from the tournament.

Scheduling a single elimination tournament is relatively easy. The first step is to get the number of teams to a power of two: 2, 4, 8, 16, 32...

The schedule for 8 teams is shown below.


With 20 teams, you might select eight of those teams to have a preliminary round. The four winners would then join the other twelve to fill out the sixteen-team field.

If you have 24 teams, you could have everyone compete in a preliminary round; this would leave 12 teams. Then, 4 of those teams (randomly selected) could get a bye and the other 8 teams would play to find the other 4 contestants for the next round.

Round Robin Tournaments.

In a Round Robin tournament every team plays every other team .

There is a systematic approach to scheduling a Round Robin tournament. This method assumes that there are enough fields / pitches / courts so that all the games in a round can be played simultaneously. The technique is called the polygon method .

Round Robin scheduling: Even number of teams.

Let N = number of teams in the tournament. There will be N -1 rounds (each team will play N-1 games). Since each team will play every other team once, no team will be idle during any of the rounds.

Let us schedule a round-robin tournament for 8 teams numbered from 1 to 8.

Draw a regular (N -1) sided polygon (i.e., a heptagon for 8 teams). Each vertex and the centre point represents one team.


Draw horizontal stripes as shown below. Then, join the vertex that has been left out to the centre. Each segment represents teams playing each other in the first round.


So (7, 6), (1, 5), (2, 4) and (3, 8) play in the first round.

Rotate the polygon 1/(N-1)th of a circle (i.e. one vertex point). The new segments represent the pairings for round two.


So (6, 5), (7, 4), (1, 3) and (2, 8) play the second round.

Continue rotating the polygon until it returns to its original position.


One more rotation will bring the polygon back to its original position.

If A, B, C and D are the fields / pitches / courts, the schedule could look like this:

Round A B C D
I 7, 6 1, 5 2, 4 3, 8
II 6, 5 7, 4 1, 3 2, 8
III 5, 4 6, 3 7, 2 1, 8
IV 4, 3 5, 2 6, 1 7, 8
V 3, 2 4, 1 5, 7 6, 8
VI 2, 1 3, 7 4, 6 5, 8
VII 1, 7 2, 6 3, 5 4, 8

We can also rotate the teams around so that each team plays in every field / pitch / court at least once (at present team 8 always plays in D).

Round A B C D
I 7, 6 1, 5 2, 4 3, 8
II 6, 5 7, 4 1, 3 2, 8
III 1, 8 6, 3 7, 2 5, 4
IV 4, 3 5, 2 7, 8 6, 1
V 3, 2 4, 1 5, 7 6, 8
VI 2, 1 5, 8 4, 6 3, 7
VII 1, 7 2, 6 3, 5 4, 8

Round Robin scheduling: Odd number of teams.

Let N = number of teams in the tournament. There will be N rounds (since each team will play every other team once, and will be idle for exactly one round ).

Let us work out the schedule for 7 teams, numbering the teams from 1 to 7. Draw a regular N-gon (heptagon for 7 teams). Each vertex represents one team.


Draw horizontal stripes as shown below. The vertex that has been left out gives the idle team. Each segment represents teams playing each other in the first round.


So (7, 6), (1, 5) and (2, 4) play in the first round.

Rotate the polygon 1/Nth of a circle (i.e. one vertex point.) The new segments represent the pairings for round two.


Continue rotating the polygon until it returns to its original position.


One more rotation will bring the polygon back to its original position. Therefore, the schedule could look like this:

Round A B C
I 7, 6 1, 5 2, 4
II 6, 5 7, 4 1, 3
III 5, 4 6, 3 7, 2
IV 4, 3 5, 2 6, 1
V 3, 2 4, 1 5, 7
VI 2, 1 3, 7 4, 6
VII 1, 7 2, 6 3, 5

Why does this work?

The restriction that no vertex has more than one segment drawn to/from it ensures that no team is scheduled for more than one game in each round.

Restricting ourselves to horizontal stripes ensures that no segment is a rotation or reflection of another segment. This means that no pairing will be repeated in a future round.

Notice that in the case where N (no. of teams) was odd, by having only one idle team in each round, the tournament can be completed in the minimum number of rounds.


Arunachalam Y. is a member of the HeyMath! team

Who's the best?

Which countries have the most naturally athletic populations?
Exploring and noticing Working systematically Conjecturing and generalising Visualising and representing Reasoning, convincing and proving
Being curious Being resourceful Being resilient Being collaborative


Who's the Best? printable sheet

Who's the Best? medal table CSV file


Which countries are most "sporty"?

Below, we have provided the London 2012 Olympics medal table.

Do you think the medals table alone offers enough information to answer this question fairly?

What other information do you think could be taken into account?


Make a plan of the information you will collect and the calculations you will perform. Then carry out your plan to decide which countries are most sporty.


Send us your top-rated countries, together with your justification for the data and criteria you chose to include in your analysis.


In the London 2012 Olympics the final medal table was as follows (spreadsheet CSV form)


Country Gold Silver Bronze Total
United States 46 28 29 103
China 38 28 22 88
Great Britain 29 17 19 65
Russia 24 25 32 81
South Korea 13 8 7 28
Germany 11 19 14 44
France 11 11 12 34
Italy 8 9 11 28
Hungary 8 4 6 18
Australia 7 16 12 35
Japan 7 14 17 38
Kazakhstan 7 1 5 13
Netherlands 6 6 8 20
Ukraine 6 5 9 20
New Zealand 6 2 5 13
Cuba 5 3 7 15
Iran 4 5 3 12
Jamaica 4 4 4 12
Czech Republic 4 3 3 10
North Korea 4 0 2 6
Spain 3 10 4 17
Brazil 3 5 9 17
South Africa 3 2 1 6
Ethiopia 3 1 3 7
Croatia 3 1 2 6
Belarus 2 5 5 12
Romania 2 5 2 9
Kenya 2 4 5 11
Denmark 2 4 3 9
Azerbaijan 2 2 6 10
Poland 2 2 6 10
Turkey 2 2 1 5
Switzerland 2 2 0 4
Lithuania 2 1 2 5
Norway 2 1 1 4
Canada 1 5 12 18
Sweden 1 4 3 8
Colombia 1 3 4 8
Georgia 1 3 3 7
Mexico 1 3 3 7
Ireland 1 1 3 5
Argentina 1 1 2 4
Serbia 1 1 2 4
Slovenia 1 1 2 4
Tunisia 1 1 1 3
Dominican Republic 1 1 0 2
Trinidad and Tobago 1 0 3 4
Uzbekistan 1 0 2 3
Latvia 1 0 1 2
Algeria 1 0 0 1
Bahamas 1 0 0 1
Grenada 1 0 0 1
Uganda 1 0 0 1
Venezuela 1 0 0 1
India 0 2 4 6
Mongolia 0 2 3 5
Thailand 0 2 1 3
Egypt 0 2 0 2
Slovakia 0 1 3 4
Armenia 0 1 2 3
Belgium 0 1 2 3
Finland 0 1 2 3
Bulgaria 0 1 1 2
Estonia 0 1 1 2
Indonesia 0 1 1 2
Malaysia 0 1 1 2
Puerto Rico 0 1 1 2
Chinese Taipei 0 1 1 2
Botswana 0 1 0 1
Cyprus 0 1 0 1
Gabon 0 1 0 1
Guatemala 0 1 0 1
Montenegro 0 1 0 1
Portugal 0 1 0 1
Greece 0 0 2 2
Moldova 0 0 2 2
Qatar 0 0 2 2
Singapore 0 0 2 2
Afghanistan 0 0 1 1
Bahrain 0 0 1 1
Hong Kong 0 0 1 1
Saudi Arabia 0 0 1 1
Kuwait 0 0 1 1
Morocco 0 0 1 1
Tajikistan 0 0 1 1
Extension Challenge:
You could use data from previous Olympics to see the extent to which your criteria give a constant list of most sporty nations over time.

Notes and Background

The Plus article Harder, better, faster, stronger explores some of the same ideas as this problem.


Medal muddle

Countries from across the world competed in a sports tournament. Can you devise an efficient strategy to work out the order in which they finished?
Exploring and noticing Working systematically Conjecturing and generalising Visualising and representing Reasoning, convincing and proving
Being curious Being resourceful Being resilient Being collaborative


If you are a teacher, click here for a version of the problem suitable for classroom use, together with supporting materials. Otherwise, read on...


Thirteen nations competed in a sports tournament. Unfortunately, we do not have the final medal table, but we have the following pieces of information:

1. Turkey and Mexico both finished above Italy and New Zealand.

2. Portugal finished above Venezuela, Mexico, Spain and Romania.

3. Romania finished below Algeria, Greece, Spain and Serbia.

4. Serbia finished above Turkey and Portugal, both of whom finished below Algeria and Russia.

5. Russia finished above France and Algeria.

6. Algeria finished below France but above Serbia and Spain.

7. Italy finished below Greece and Venezuela, but above New Zealand.

8. Venezuela finished above New Zealand but below Greece.

9. Greece finished below Turkey, who came below France.

10. Portugal finished below Greece and France.

11. France finished above Serbia, who came above Mexico.

12. Venezuela finished below Mexico, and New Zealand came above Spain.


Can you recreate the medal table from this information?

Can you describe an efficient strategy for solving problems like this?



The following year, twice as many teams entered the tournament. Can you use your strategy to sort out the medal table from these clues?


Perhaps you might like to try creating a similar problem of your own.

You will need to consider the following:

Although there are twelve statements above, there are more than twelve pieces of information, because some sentences compare more than one pair of teams.

What is the minimum number of pieces of information needed to order the teams?

Which information, if any, is redundant?



Olympic records

Can you deduce which Olympic athletics events are represented by the graphs?
Exploring and noticing Working systematically Conjecturing and generalising Visualising and representing Reasoning, convincing and proving
Being curious Being resourceful Being resilient Being collaborative


Olympic Records printable sheet - graphs

Here are ten graphs showing how Olympic records have changed over time in ten athletic events.

Can you deduce which event each graph represents?

Olympic Records
Olympic Records
Olympic Records
Olympic Records
Olympic Records
Olympic Records
Olympic Records
Olympic Records
Olympic Records

You can click on the thumbnails above to view each graph, or download this pdf or this powerpoint with all the graphs.

Here are some questions to consider, which may help you to make sense of the graphs:

  • Can you determine what the units might be on the vertical axis for each graph?
  • Why do some graphs show a decreasing trend and some an increasing trend?
  • Are there any unusual features in any of the graphs? Can you think of a plausible explanation for them?

Thanks to Alan Parr for suggesting this problem.


The fastest cyclist

Andy is desperate to reach John o'Groats first. Can you devise a winning race plan?
Exploring and noticing Working systematically Conjecturing and generalising Visualising and representing Reasoning, convincing and proving
Being curious Being resourceful Being resilient Being collaborative


The Fastest Cyclist


In Nutrition and Cycling, you were invited to work out Andy's calorie needs on a ride from Land's End to John o'Groats.

If you haven't already done so, print out a copy of  these cards.

Andy is competing in a Land's End to John o'Groats race, and YOU are his coach!

You are determined that Andy will win the race, as long as he is willing to cycle for more than 7 hours a day.


What is the shortest time in which Andy could complete the ride, if we ignore his 7 hour daily cycling limit, while making sure his energy needs are met?

You may wish to consider minimising the cost, and/or the weight that Andy needs to carry, together with any other appropriate constraints that occur to you.



NOTES AND BACKGROUND: Sport nutrition is a specialist field, and there are hundreds of products such as drinks, gels and bars for an endurance athlete to choose from. In reality, there are more factors to consider than calorific intake, and a cyclist cneeds to balance carbohydrate intake for basic energy, protein intake for muscle building, muscle glycogen reserves, maximising recovery speed and keeping hydrated: all important factors to consider.

You might find this article, describing the diet of Tour de France cyclists, of interest.

Cycling image from Wikimedia Commons, uploaded by Evdcoldeportes, released under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.5 Colombia license.

Track design

Where should runners start the 200m race so that they have all run the same distance by the finish?

Exploring and noticing Working systematically Conjecturing and generalising Visualising and representing Reasoning, convincing and proving
Being curious Being resourceful Being resilient Being collaborative


Imagine you are building a new Olympic stadium and you are responsible for designing and marking out the running track. The track needs to fulfil the following specifications:

  • The distance around the inside edge of the inner lane should be 400m.
  • There should be 8 lanes. 
  • Each lane should be 1.25m wide.
  • The track should consist of two straight sections joined by two semi-circular sections. 
  • The straight sections should each be 85m in length (a straight section is extended over the curve for the 100m race, as shown below). 


Track design


Can you work out the radius of the curved sections in order to produce an accurate scale drawing?

For the 200m race, runners start on the curved section at the right of the diagram and run anticlockwise to the finish line at the top left.

As the outer lanes are longer than the inner lanes, a staggered start is needed so that at the finish line all runners have run the same distance.


Can you work out where each runner should start so that they all run 200m in total?

For the 400m race, the runner in lane 1 does one complete lap of the track, so the start line is the same as the finish line. The runners in lanes 2 to 8 again have a staggered start.


Can you work out where each runner should start so that they all run 400m in total?



14 to 18
| Article by
John Barrow
| Published

High jumping

If you are training to be good at any sport then you are in the business of optimisation - doing all you can to enhance anything that will make you do better and minimise any faults that hinder your performance. This is one of the areas of sports science that relies on the insights that are possible by applying a little bit of mathematics. Here we are going to think about two athletics events where you try to launch the body over the greatest possible height above the ground: high jumping and pole vaulting.

This type of event is not as simple as it sounds. Athletes must first use their strength and energy to launch their body weight into the air. If we think of a high jumper as a projectile of mass M launched vertically upwards at speed $U$ then the height $H$ that can be reached is given by the formula U2=2gH where $g$ is the acceleration due to gravity. Alternatively we can think in terms of energy conservation. The kinetic energy of the jumper at take-off is $\frac{1}{2}M U^{2}$ and this will be transformed into the potential energy $M g H$ gained by the jumper at the maximum height $H$ when he is instantaneously at rest at the highest point. Equating the two gives $ U^{2}=2g H$ again.

All this sounds straightforward but the tricky point is the quantity $H$ - what exactly is it? It is not the height that is cleared by the jumper. Rather, it is the height that the jumper's centre of gravity is raised, and that is rather a subtle thing because it makes it possible for a high jumper's body to pass over the bar even though his centre of gravity passes under the bar. When an object has a bendy shape it is possible for its centre of gravity to lie outside of the body. One way to locate the centre of gravity of an object is to hang it up from any point on the object and drop a weighted string from the same point, marking where the string drops. Then repeat this by hanging the object up from another point. Draw a second line where the hanging string now falls. The centre of gravity is where the lines of the two strings cross. If the object is a square then the centre of gravity will lie at the geometrical centre but if it is L-shaped or U-shaped the centre of gravity will not lie inside the boundary of the body at all.

High Jumping

It is this possibility that allows a high jumper to control where his centre of gravity lies and what trajectory it follows when he jumps. The aim of our high-jumper is to get his body to pass over the bar whilst making his centre of gravity pass as far underneath the bar as possible. In this way he will make optimal use of his explosive take-off energy.

The simple high-jumping technique that you first learn at school, called the 'scissors' technique is far from optimal. In order to clear the bar your centre of gravity, as well as your whole body, must pass over the bar. In fact your centre of gravity probably goes close to 30 centimetres higher than the height of the bar. This is a very inefficient way to clear a high-jump bar. The high-jumping techniques used by top athletes are much more elaborate. The old 'straddle' technique involved the jumper rolling around the bar with their chest always facing the bar. This was the favoured technique of world-class jumpers up until 1968 when the American Dick Fosbury amazed everyone by introducing a completely new technique which involved a backwards flop over the bar and won him the Gold Medal at the 1968 Olympics in Mexico City. This method was only safe when inflatable landing areas became available. Fosbury's technique was much easier for high jumpers to learn than the straddle and it is now used by every serious high jumper. It enables a high jumper to send their centre of gravity well below the bar even though their body curls over and around it. The more flexible you are the more you can curve your body around the bar and the loweryour centre of gravity will be. The 2004 Olympic men's high-jump champion Stefan Holm, from Sweden, is rather small by the standards of high jumpers but is able to curl his body to a remarkable extent. His body is very U-shaped at his highest point. He sails over 2m 37 cm but his centre of gravity goes well below the bar.


High Jumping
The photographer Peter Kjelleras captures the Olympic high-jump champion Stefan Holm jumping at the World Athletics Championships in Paris, in 2003. Holm dramatically demonstrates his ability to send his centre of gravity far below the bar he is clearing 2.32 metres above the ground.
The high-jumper's centre of mass is about two-thirds of the way up his body when he is standing or running in towards the take off point. He needs to increase his launch speed to the highest possible by building up his strength and speed, and then use his energy and gymnastic skill to raise his centre of gravity by $H$, which is the maximum that the formula $U^{2}=2g H$ will allow. Of course there is a bit more to it in practice! When a high jumper runs in to launch himself upwards he will only be able to transfer a small fraction of his best possible horizontal sprinting speed into his upward launch speed. He has only a small space for his approach run and must turn around in order to take off with his back facing the bar. The pole vaulter is able to do much better. He has a long straight run down the runway and, despite carrying a long pole, the world's best vaulters can achieve speeds of close to $10$ metres per second at launch. The elastic fibre glass pole enables them to turn the energy of their horizontal motion $\frac{1}{2}M U^{2}$ into vertical motion much more efficiently than the high jumper. Vaulters launch themselves vertically upwards and perform all the impressive gymnastics necessary to curl themselves in an inverted U-shape over the bar,sending their centre of gravity as far below it as possible.
High Jumping

Let's see if we can get a rough estimate of how well we might expect them to do. Suppose they manage to transfer all their horizontal running kinetic energy of $\frac{1}{2}MU^{2}$ into vertical potential energy of $MgH$ then they will raise their centre of mass a height of:


If the Olympic champion can reach $9\mathrm{\ ms^{-1}}$ launch speed then since the acceleration due to gravity is $g=10\mathrm{\ ms^{-2}}$ we expect him to be able to raise his centre of gravity height of $H=4$ metres. If he started with his centre of gravity about $1.5$ metres above the ground and made it pass $0.5$ metres below the bar then he would be expected to clear a bar height of $1.5+4+0.5=6$ metres. In fact, the American champion Tim Mack won the Athens Olympic Gold medal with a vault of $5.95$ metres (or $19^{\prime }6\frac{1}{4}"$ in feet and inches) and had three very close failures at $6$ metres, knowing he had already won the Gold Medal, so our very simple estimates turn out to be surprisingly accurate.

John D. Barrow is Professor of Mathematical Sciences and Director of the Millennium Mathematics Project at Cambridge University.


David and Goliath

Does weight confer an advantage to shot putters?

Exploring and noticing Working systematically Conjecturing and generalising Visualising and representing Reasoning, convincing and proving
Being curious Being resourceful Being resilient Being collaborative



In the tables below are some of the top performing shot putters of all time, their weight in kilograms, and the distance they threw in metres.


Look at the two data sets. Do any results stand out?


What questions occur to you?


Choose appropriate statistical analyses to answer some of your questions.

Are there any other data you will need to collect? 

You may wish to download this spreadsheet containing the two data sets.


It is suggested that heavier competitors are at an advantage in the shot put.

Do the data support that claim?


What would be the effect on the competition of introducing weight categories (like those found in boxing or weightlifting), or giving lighter shots to lighter competitors?




Men's shot put:
Name Weight (kg) Distance (m)
Randy Barnes 137 23.12
Ulf Timmermann  118  23.06 
Alessandro Andrei  118 22.91
Werner Günthör   130  22.75 
Kevin Toth   144  22.67  
Udo Beyer   135 22.64
John Brenner   127 22.52
Adam Nelson   115 22.51
Reese Hoffa   133 22.43 
Sergey Smirnov   126 22.24 
John Godina   129 22.20 
Sergey Gavryushin   95 22.10 
Sergey Kasnauskas   126  22.09 
Aleksandr Baryshnikov   130 22.00
Gregg Tafralis  132 21.98
Mikhail Kostin  120 21.96
Tomasz Majewski  132 21.95 
Remigius Machura  118 21.93
Cottrell J. Hunter  135 21.87
Mike Stulce  122 21.82


Women's Shot Put:




Name Weight (kg) Distance (m)
Natalya Lisovskaya  105  22.63 
Ilona Briesenick  95 22.45 
Helena Fibingerová  95 22.32 
Claudia Losch  84 22.19
Meisu Li  92 21.76
Natalya Akhrimenko  90 21.73 
Vita Pavlysh  90 21.69
Xinmei Sui  90 21.66
Verzhinia Veselinova  95 21.61
Margitta Pufe  90 21.58 
Ines Müller  90 21.57 
Nunu Abashidze  105 21.53 
Zhihong Huang  100 21.52 
Larisa Peleshenko  95 21.46 
Heike Hartwig  95 21.31
Liane Schmuhl  90 21.27
Astrid Kumbernuss  90 21.22
Kathrin Neimke  90 21.21
Helma Knorscheidt  90 21.19
Heidi Krieger  95 21.10





Data source:  IAAF

Mass of shot for male competitors: 7.260 kg (16 lb)

Mass of shot for female competitors: 4 kg (8.82 lb)



Alternative record book

In which Olympic event does a human travel fastest? Decide which events to include in your Alternative Record Book.
Exploring and noticing Working systematically Conjecturing and generalising Visualising and representing Reasoning, convincing and proving
Being curious Being resourceful Being resilient Being collaborative


In the Olympic and Paralympic Games, medals are awarded for the best performances in each event. But what if we used different criteria for writing an alternative record book? 

Investigate some of the questions below to write your own Alternative Record Book.

You will need to do some research to answer these questions, and you will need to make some estimations and approximations. You may also need to refine the questions to make them more precise. If you can't determine an exact value for certain contexts, you could try to compute upper or lower bounds to allow you to compare.

 In which Olympic or Paralympic event does:


  • A human travel fastest? How fast?

  • An object travel fastest? How fast?

  • An object travel highest? How high?

  • A human expend the most calories? How many?

  • A human react fastest? How fast?

  • A human experience the greatest acceleration or deceleration? How much?

  • An object experience the greatest forces, stresses or strains? How much?


Send us your thoughts about which events should be included in the Alternative Record Book, together with your evidence and calculations.

Can you think of any other categories to include in your Alternative Record Book?

You may wish to do some experiments and create an Alternative Record Book for your own school and its athletes.



14 to 18
| Article by
Professor John Barrow
| Published

Decathlon: the art of scoring points

The decathlon consists of ten track and field events spread over two days. It is the most physically demanding event for athletes. On day one, the 100m, long jump, shot putt, high jump and 400m are contested. On day two, the competitors face the 110m hurdles, discus, pole vault, javelin and, finally, the 1500m. In order to combine the results of these very different events - some give times and some give distances - a points system has been developed. Each performance is awarded a predetermined number of points according to a set of performance tables. These are added, event by event, and the winner is the athlete with the highest points total after ten events. The women's heptathlon works in exactly the same way but with three fewer events (100m hurdles, high jump, shot, 200m, long jump, javelin and 800m).

Decathlon: the art of scoring points
The most striking thing about the decathlon is that the tables giving the number of points awarded for different performances are rather free inventions. Someone decided them first back in 1912 and they have subsequently been updated on different occasions, taking into account performances in all the events by decathletes and specialist competitors. Clearly, working out the fairest points allocation for any running, jumping or throwing performance is crucial and defines the whole nature of the event very sensitively. Britain's Daley Thompson missed breaking the decathlon world record by one point when he won the Olympic Games 1984 but a revision of the scoring tables the following year increased his score slightly and he became the new world record holder retrospectively! The current world record is 9026 points set by Roman Šebrle of the Czech Republic in 2001. For comparison, if you broke the world record in each of the ten individual decathlon events you would score about 12,500 points! The best ten performances ever achieved by anyone during decathlon competitions sum up to a total score of 10,485.

Originally, the points tables were set up so that (approximately) 1000 points would be scored by the world record for each event at the time. But records move on and now, for example, Usain Bolt's world 100m record of 9.58s would score him 1202 decathlon points whereas the fastest 100m ever run in a decathlon is 'only' 10.22s for a points score of 1042. The current world record that would score the highest of all in a decathlon is Jürgen Schult's discus record of 74.08m, which accumulates 1383 points.

All of this suggests some important questions that bring mathematics into play. What would happen if the points tables were changed? What events repay your training investment with the greatest points payoff? And what sort of athlete is going to do best in the decathlon - a runner, a thrower or a jumper?

The decathlon events fall into two categories: running events where the aim is to record the least possible time and throwing or jumping events where the aim is to record the greatest possible distance. The simplest way of scoring this would be record all the throws and jumps distances in metres, multiply them together and then multiply all the running times in seconds together and divide the product of the throws and jumps by the product of the running times, T. The Special Total that results will have units of $(\mathrm{length})^6 \div (\mathrm{time})^4 = \mathrm{m}^6/\rm{s}^4$ and spelt out in full it looks like this:

Special Total, ST=LJ×HJ×PV×JT×DT×SPT(100m)×T(400m)×T(110mH)×T(1500m)


If we take the two best ever decathlon performances by Šebrle (9026 pts) and Dvořák (8994 pts) and work out the Special Totals for the 10 performances they each produced then we get

Šebrle (9026 pts):  ST = 2.29

Dvořák (8994 pts): ST = 2.40

Interestingly, we see that the second best performance by Dvořák becomes the best using this new scoring system.

In fact, our new scoring system is not a good one. It contains some biases. Since the distances attained and the times recorded are different for the various events you can make a bigger change to the ST score for the same effort. An improvement in the 100m by from 10.6s to 10.5s requires considerable improvement but you don't get much of a reward for it in the ST score. By contrast reducing a slow 1500m run by 10 seconds has a big impact. The events with the room for larger changes have bigger effects on the total. The actual scoring points tables that are used incorporate far more information about comparable athletic performances than the simple ST formula we have invented.

Decathlon: the art of scoring points
The setting of the points tables that are used in practice is a technical business that has evolved over a long period of time and pays attention to world records, the standards of the top ranked athletes, and historical decathlon performances. However, ultimately it is a human choice and if a different choice was made then different points would be received for the same athletic performances and the medallists in the Olympic Games might be different. The 2001 IAAF scoring tables have the following simple mathematical structure:

The points awarded (decimals are rounded to the nearest whole number to avoid fractional points) in each track event - where you want to give higher points for shorter times (T) are given by the formula

Track event points=A×(BT)C,

where T is the time recorded by the athlete in a track event and A, B and C are numbers chosen for each event so as to calibrate the points awarded in an equitable way. The quantity B gives the cut-off time at and above which you will score zero points and T is always less than B in practice -- unless someone falls over and crawls to the finish! For the jumps and throws - where you want to give more points for greater distances (D) - the points formula for each event is

Field event points=A×(DB)C

The three numbers A, B and C are chosen differently for each of the ten events and are shown in this table. You score zero points for a distance equal to or less than B. The distances here are all in metres and the times in seconds.

Most importantly, the points achieved for each of the 10 events are then added together to give the total score. In our experimental ST scoring scheme above they were multiplied together. You could have added all the distance and all the times before dividing one total by the other though.


Event A B C
100 m 25.4347 18 1.81
Long jump 0.14354 220 1.4
Shot put 51.39 1.5 1.05
High jump 0.8465 75 1.42
400 m 1.53775 82 1.81
110 m hurdles 5.74352 28.5 1.92
Discus throw 12.91 4 1.1
Pole vault 0.2797 100 1.35
Javelin throw 10.14 7 1.08
1500 m 0.03768 480 1.85


In order to get a feel for which events are 'easiest' to score in, take a look at this table which shows what you would have to do to score 900 points in each event for an Olympic-winning 9000-point total.


Event 900 pts
100m 10.83s
Long jump 7.36m
Shot put 16.79m
High jump 2.10m
400m 48.19s
110m hurdles 14.59s
Discus throw 51.4m
Pole vault 4.96m
Javelin throw 70.67m
1500m 247.42s (= 4m 07.4s)

There is an interesting pattern in the decathlon formulae that change the distances and times achieved into points. The power index C is approximately 1.8 for the running events (1.9 for the hurdles), close to 1.4 for the jumps and pole vault and close to 1.1 for the throws. The fact that C > 1 indicates that the points scoring system is a 'progressive' one, curving upwards in a concave way; that is, it gets harder to score points as your performance gets better. This is realistic. We know that as you get more expert at your event it gets harder to make the same improvement but beginners can easily make large gains. The opposite type of ('regressive') points system would have C < 1, curving increasingly less, while a 'neutral'; one would have C = 1 and be a straight line. We can see that the IAAF tables are very progressive for the running events, fairly progressive for the jumps and vault, but almost neutral for the throws.

In order to get a feel for how the total points scored is divided across events, the Figure below shows the division between the ten events for the averages of the all-time top 100 best ever men's decathlon performances.


Decathlon: the art of scoring points

Figure : Average points spread achieved across the 10 decathlon events in the 100 highest points totals


It is clear that there has been a significant bias towards gathering points in the long jump, hurdles and sprints (100m and 400m). Performances in these events are all highly correlated with flat-out sprinting speed. Conversely, the 1500m and three throwing events are well behind the other disciplines in points scoring. If you want to coach a successful decathlete, start with a big strong sprint hurdler and build up strength and technical ability for the throws later. No decathletes bother much with 1500m preparation and rely on general distance running training.

Decathlon: the art of scoring points
Clearly, changes to the points scoring formula would change the event. The existing formulae are based largely upon (recent) historical performance data of decathletes rather than of top performances by the specialists in each event. Of course, this tends to reinforce any biases inherent in the current scoring tables because the top decathletes are where they are because of the current edition of the scoring tables - it is not unfavourable to them. As an exercise, we could consider a simple change that is motivated by physics. In each event (with the possible exception of the 1500m), whether sprinting, throwing or jumping, it is the kinetic energy generated by the athlete that counts. This depends on the square of his or her speed (= $\frac{1}{2}\rm{MV}^2$, where M is their mass and V their speed), The height cleared by the high jumper or pole vaulter, or the horizontal distance reached by the long jumper are all proportional to the square of their launch speed ($\propto \rm{V}^2/g$, where $g$ = 9.8m/s is the acceleration due to gravity). Since the time achieved running at constant speed will be proportional to (distance/time)$^2$ this implies that we pick C = 2 for all events. If we do that and pick the best A and B values to fit the accumulated performance data as well as possible then the sports scientist Wim Westera has calculated that we get an interesting change in the top ten decathletes. Šebrle becomes number 2 with a new score of 9318 whilst the present number 2, Dvořák, overtakes him to take first place with a new world record score of 9468 (just like he did with my ST scoring system - although notice that I multiplied the performances together, all these other schemes add the points achieved in each event together). Other top rankings change accordingly. The pattern of change is interesting. Picking C = 2 across all events is extremely progressive and greatly favours competitors with outstanding performances as opposed to those with consistent similar ones. However, it dramatically favours good throwers over the sprint hurdlers because of the big change in the value of C = 1.1 being applied to the throws at present. And this illustrates the basic difficulty with points systems of any sort - there is always a subjective element that could have been chosen differently.

Stop Press!  A new world record was set for this event in the US Olympic trials during the weekend 23rd June 2012 by Ashton Eaton. The performances for each event and the points accrued by them can be found at

 It is an interesting little project to compare the pattern of points obtained across each of the events with the ideal 'average' decathalete in the graph in the article. Eaton is actually very different, doing far better in the running events and worse in the throws.

Stop Press! Kevin Mayer broke the decathlon world record at the Decastar meeting in Talence on 16th September  2018, scoring 9126 at the final IAAF Combined Events Challenge fixture of 2018.



$^i$ See



John Barrow is the Director of the Millennium Maths project, of which NRICH is a part. He is Professor in the Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics at the University of Cambridge, and lectures widely on the public understanding of maths and science. His most recent book '100 Essential Things You Didn't Know You Didn't Know About Sport' was published by Bodley Head in March 2012.

Training schedule

The heptathlon is an athletics competition consisting of 7 events. Can you make sense of the scoring system in order to advise a heptathlete on the best way to reach her target?
Exploring and noticing Working systematically Conjecturing and generalising Visualising and representing Reasoning, convincing and proving
Being curious Being resourceful Being resilient Being collaborative


The heptathlon is an athletics competition consisting of 7 events:
  • 200m sprint
  • 800m run
  • 100m hurdles
  • high jump
  • long jump
  • shot put
  • javelin
The scoring system uses two types of equation:
$y=a(b-x)^c$        (1)
$y=a(x-b)^c$        (2)
$a$, $b$ and $c$ are constants, $x$ is the competitor's time or distance and $y$ is the number of points they are awarded.
Which events do you think use equations of type (1)? Why?
Which events do you think use equations of type (2)? Why?
For the running events, $x$ is the time in seconds. For the jumping events, $x$ is the distance/height in centimetres. For the throwing events, $x$ is the distance in metres.


The values for a, b, and c in each event are given below:


Event  c
200 meters  4.99087 42.5 1.81
800 meters  0.11193 254 1.88
100 metres hurdles  9.23076 26.7 1.835
High Jump  1.84523 75 1.348
Long Jump  0.188807 210 1.41
Shot Put  56.0211 1.5 1.05
Javelin Throw  15.9803 3.8 1.04


In the table below are the best times and distances of an Olympic hopeful in training, as well as the World Records for each heptathlon event (as of April 2011).


Event  Olympic hopeful World records
200m 25.34s  21.34s
800m 2min 13.00s 1min 53.28s
100m hurdles 13.65s 12.21s
High jump 1.43m 2.09m
Long jump 5.67m 7.52m
Shot put 12.45m 22.63m
Javelin 45.05m  72.28m
In order to work out a suitable training schedule for her, work out her score in each event.
The world record for each event can be taken as a theoretical maximum/minimum.
Suppose she could close the gap between her current performance in each event and the world record by 10%. How would that affect her progress towards her target heptathlon score of 6000 points?
Instead, she could put together an alternative training schedule aiming to close the gap by 20% in some events. However, this extra training would have to be at the expense of her training for other events (so for every event she chooses to improve by 20%, she must choose another where she forfeits the 10% gain and instead maintains her current level).
Could this training strategy lead to a better score?
Can she reach the target of 6000 points?






Data source:


Who's the winner?

When two closely matched teams play each other, what is the most likely result?
Exploring and noticing Working systematically Conjecturing and generalising Visualising and representing Reasoning, convincing and proving
Being curious Being resourceful Being resilient Being collaborative


Who's the Winner? printable sheet

Who's the winner?
When the teachers play the students at hockey, they are equally matched - at any point in the match, either team is equally likely to score. 
What are the possible results if 2 goals are scored in total?

Why are they not all equally likely?

This mathematical model assumes that when a goal is scored, the probabilities do

not change. Is this a reasonable assumption?


Alison suggests that after a team scores, they are then twice as likely to score the next goal as well, because they are feeling more confident. What are the probabilities of each result according to Alison's model?


Charlie thinks that after a team scores, the opposing team are twice as likely to score the next goal, because they start trying harder. What are the probabilities of each result according to Charlie's model?

Who's the winner?


The models could apply to any team sport where a small number of goals are typically scored.

You could find some data for matches between closely matched teams that finished with two goals and see which model fits most closely to what happened.

You will need to make some assumptions about what it means for teams to be "closely matched".


Send us your conclusions, and explain the reasoning behind the assumptions you chose to make.



Speed-time problems at the Olympics

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to race against Usain Bolt?

Exploring and noticing Working systematically Conjecturing and generalising Visualising and representing Reasoning, convincing and proving
Being curious Being resourceful Being resilient Being collaborative


Speed-Time Problems at the Olympics printable worksheet


Speed-time problems at the Olympics
At the 2012 Olympic games, the qualifying standards for the women's 100 metres race was 11.29s. How does this compare with the speed of a bus?
Speed-time problems at the Olympics
At the 2012 Olympics Shelly-Ann Fraser-Pryce won the women's 100m in a time of 10.75s. If she had continued running, how much further would she have run by the time an athlete running at the qualifying speed (11.29s) would have crossed the line?
Speed-time problems at the Olympics
In the 2009 IAAF World championship, Usain Bolt ran the 100m in 9.58s. Estimate how far he would have been ahead of the gold medallist from Lane 2 had they been racing together.
Speed-time problems at the Olympics

Imagine that you raced in the 200m with Usain Bolt. By what length would he beat you?


Speed-time problems at the Olympics
Imagine that a 2km rowing race took place on a rowing lake with two separate legs of 1km. How would the total race time vary from a race on a river where one leg is upstream and the other downstream?
Speed-time problems at the Olympics
Imagine that cyclist A completes a lap following the blue line on the velodrome track. Cyclist B completes a lap 1m inside the blue line and cyclist C completes a lap 2m outside the blue line. How do the distances travelled vary between the cyclists?
Speed-time problems at the Olympics
In the past, the start of a 100m race was indicated by a pistol shot next to lane 1. Did this give a significant advantage to the runner in lane 1? Would it have given a significant advantage to anyone if this pistol was fired from the end of lane 4?
Speed-time problems at the Olympics
Imagine an announcement is made from a podium in the centre of a stadium. As the speaker talks into her microphone the sound is simultaneously sent to speakers which project the sound into the stadium and up to satellites which transmit the signal as digital radio. Who might hear the sound first: someone listening on the radio or someone listening in the stadium?

Note: In this problem you might not have been given all of the required data and you might need to make estimates or approximations. You should be clear in your mind as to any assumptions that you make whilst constructing your answers.


Stadium sightline

How would you design the tiering of seats in a stadium so that all spectators have a good view?
Exploring and noticing Working systematically Conjecturing and generalising Visualising and representing Reasoning, convincing and proving
Being curious Being resourceful Being resilient Being collaborative


One of the challenges in designing an Olympic stadium is to make sure that spectators can see the event without their views being blocked by the spectators in front.



Your task is to design the tiered seating for the stadium. The back of each seat is 80cm behind the back of the seat in front, but raised up so that each row can see over the row in front.

Make some sketches showing what the cross-section (side view) of the seats might look like. Will the seats lie on a straight line, or a curve? How steep?

What factors do you think you will need to take into account when working out how high each seat needs to be?


The Olympic organisers have stipulated that all spectators must be able to see clearly a point 10m in front of the front row of seating:

Stadium Sightline

The spectator in the second row needs to have line of sight to the same point as the spectator in the first row, as seen in the diagram above. Notice that the spectator in the second row needs some extra clearance in order to see comfortably over the first spectator's head.


Here is a zoomed-in diagram:

Stadium Sightline

The first spectator's eye-level is 1.2m above the ground.

There is an extra 0.2m of clearance from his eye-level to the second spectator's line-of-sight. The second spectator is a further 0.8m away from the point on the pitch.

How high above ground level does spectator 2's seat need to be?


Now draw a similar diagram with the dimensions and unknowns for spectators 2 and 3.

How high above ground level does spectator 3's seat need to be?

Finally, imagine there were 40 rows of seating in the stadium. 

Can you work out the heights above ground level of each of the 40 rows, and hence plot a side view of the seating?

It is very helpful to use a spreadsheet to perform the repeated calculations and plot the results.


The Olympic torch tour

Imagine you had to plan the tour for the Olympic Torch. Is there an efficient way of choosing the shortest possible route?

Exploring and noticing Working systematically Conjecturing and generalising Visualising and representing Reasoning, convincing and proving
Being curious Being resourceful Being resilient Being collaborative



If you are a teacher, click here for a version of the problem suitable for classroom use, together with supporting materials. Otherwise, read on...


In May 2012, the Olympic torch will arrive at Lands End for a 70 day tour of the UK, ending in London. The plan is to cover towns and villages so that 95% of Britons will be within 10 miles of the torch relay.

Imagine a mini-Olympic torch tour running between 4 cities in the UK, with the following constraints:

  • The torch starts and finishes in London
  • The torch should pass each city once and only once
  • The following table lists the distance between each city

    (in miles as measured by Google Maps)

  London Cambridge Bath Coventry
London 0 50 96 86
Cambridge 50 0 120 70
Bath 96 120 0 80
Coventry 86 70 80 0

  • What is the shortest route?
  • How can you be sure it is the shortest?
  • How many different routes are there?
Let's now try a slightly longer tour of 5 cities. We'll add Oxford to the list:

  London Cambridge Bath Coventry Oxford
London 0 50 96 86 60
Cambridge 50 0 120 70 65
Bath 96 120 0 80 54
Coventry 86 70 80 0 46
Oxford 60 65 54 46 0


  • What is the shortest route now?
  • How many different possible routes did you need to consider?


Is there an efficient way to work out the number of different possible routes when there are 10 cities? 15 cities?...

Suppose a computer could calculate one million routes per second. How long would it take to find the optimal route for 10 cities? 15 cities? 20 cities?





The type of question we have explored above is a famous problem in computation complexity theory known as the Travelling Salesman Problem. Perhaps a better question for the torch tour is not to find the shortest or longest route, but to find the maximum number of cities the torch can visit whose route length is at most, say 2000 miles, or visit as many populated towns as possible. These are variants of the original problem known as the 'Orienteering Problem' and the 'Prize Collecting Travelling Salesman Problem'. It is an active area of research among mathematicians and has a wide range of applications.


Nutrition and cycling

Andy wants to cycle from Land's End to John o'Groats. Will he be able to eat enough to keep him going?
Exploring and noticing Working systematically Conjecturing and generalising Visualising and representing Reasoning, convincing and proving
Being curious Being resourceful Being resilient Being collaborative


Nutrition and Cycling

Nutrition and Cycling printable worksheet part 1 (questions)

Nutrition and Cycling printable worksheet part 2 (cards)


Andy is preparing to cycle from Land's End to John o'Groats.

He will undertake some training rides before the big ride.


These cards contain some information about his training schedule, details about the big ride, and his nutritional needs when he is cycling.

Have a look at the cards and try to make sense of the information.

Then use the information to help you to answer the questions below.


  1. Andy is planning a short training ride.

    He wants to take either bananas or cheap cereal bars with him as on-the-road snacks.

    How many bananas would he need to take, to minimise the calorie deficit at the end of his ride? How many cheap cereal bars?

    (The calorie deficit is the difference between the calories Andy uses during his cycle ride, and the calories he consumes before and during the ride.)


  2. After his training rides, Andy is ready to cycle from Land's End to John o'Groats.

    How many days will it take?

    Work out some of Andy's different options for carrying and consuming on-the-road snacks and drinks.

    How can he maximise his consumption while cycling?

    Together with his meals, can he consume enough calories each day so that he doesn't lose any weight?

    How much of his calorie intake will need to be provided each day through off-the-road snacks?


Possible extension

The Fastest Cyclist follows on from this problem and challenges you to devise a winning cycling and nutrition plan if Andy is racing to reach John o'Groats.

What's the point of squash?

Under which circumstances would you choose to play to 10 points in a game of squash which is currently tied at 8-all?
Exploring and noticing Working systematically Conjecturing and generalising Visualising and representing Reasoning, convincing and proving
Being curious Being resourceful Being resilient Being collaborative


In the game of squash the serve passes from one player to another only when the serving player loses a rally. A player wins a point when, and only when, they win a rally on their serve.

Usually the winner is the first player to reach 9 points, but if the score becomes 8-all then the game can be played to either 9 or 10 points: the person who first reached 8 points makes this decision.


Suppose that the score in a game is 8-all and you reached 8 points first and you have a probability of $p$ of winning any particular rally. Under which circumstances is a 9 point game a good idea?


Sportspeople often have very clear strategies in their minds when playing different opponents and sometimes make shot decisions based on their chances of winning points in different circumstances: sometimes it is best to 'play it safe' and on other occasions more risky play is called for.


This problem is based on the Traditional International rules of squash, taken from 

Olympic triathlon

Is it the fastest swimmer, the fastest runner or the fastest cyclist who wins the Olympic Triathlon?
Exploring and noticing Working systematically Conjecturing and generalising Visualising and representing Reasoning, convincing and proving
Being curious Being resourceful Being resilient Being collaborative


Olympic Triathlon printable sheet - data


Olympic Triathlon
In a triathlon, competitors take part in three disciplines: swimming, cycling and running.

The Olympic triathlon consists of a 1.5km swim, a 40km cycle, and a 10km run, completed in sequence. The first person to finish wins. 


Do you think the triathlon will be won by someone who is very strong in one event and average in the other two, or someone who is strong in all three disciplines?

Take a look at this spreadsheet showing the results from the 2008 Beijing Olympics Men's Triathlon.

What do you notice?

You may find it helpful to sort the results in various ways, work out averages and measures of spread, or plot some graphs to test correlations between times for individual events and overall finishing positions.

Can you come up with any explanations for what you have noticed?

This spreadsheet contains results from male and female Olympic Triathlons since the introduction of the event in 2000.

Do the results from the other years mirror what you noticed about the 2008 Men's Triathlon?

Are your explanations for the 2008 results plausible for the results from other years too?

Are there any events with unexpected results, or outliers?


Send us anything interesting that you notice, together with graphs or statistics that highlight what you have noticed and your suggested explanations.


Notes and Background

Triathlon swimming, and in particular cycling, is affected by a phenomenon called drafting. Click below to read more about drafting. Does it help to explain the spread of times in the different events?


Drafting is a technique where moving objects align in a group to suffer less aerodynamic drag, by exploiting the lead object's slipstream. Essentially, those objects who move behind other objects will have to do less work. In sport, this effect is most commonly seen in cycling due to the high speeds involved, and is also significant in swimming due to the thick medium (water compared to air). It is less prominent in running, because the primary work in running is not to battle air resistance, but still has a small effect.

In cycling, the majority of the work done at racing speeds will be to battle air resistance. This means that drafting has a large effect: a rider in a peloton (a large cluster of cyclists) can use over 30% less energy to move at the same speed as a cyclist riding alone. Drafting can be both co-operative and competitive: a small group of cyclists can work together to maintain a high speed in a paceline, rotating the lead position (who must work hardest) between them; alternatively, a lone rider can try to sit on the wheel of a competitor, allowing them to do the harder work and conserving energy for later. To try and get ahead of a peloton is called a break or a breakaway,  and is difficult for the lone rider. This makes teamwork a very important part of cycling.

Drafting also has an effect on swimming, because the main work is done against the drag from the water. Because of the much lower speeds involved, the slipstream of each swimmer is more spread out. This means that to draft in swimming, one can be adjacent and slightly back from the swimmer in front, instead of directly behind as in cycling. In swimming events without lanes, such as the triathlon, competitors frequently form groups and lines just like pelotons and pacelines.


If you have access to YouTube, you can try to observe the effects of drafting in the following videos from the 2008 Beijing Olympics: Men's Triathlon and Women's Triathlon.


Little little g

See how little g and your weight varies around the world. Did this variation help Bob Beamon to long-jumping succes in 1968?
Exploring and noticing Working systematically Conjecturing and generalising Visualising and representing Reasoning, convincing and proving
Being curious Being resourceful Being resilient Being collaborative


This problem involves four different parts which you can either discuss, just think about or analyse with various levels of detail.


The effective weight of an object at any place on earth mainly depends on three things:


1. The gravitational pull of the earth on the object.

2. The centripetal acceleration on the object caused by the rotation of the earth on its axis.

3. The mass of the object.


The gravitational acceleration is typically quoted as $g$ is $9.80665\mathrm{ms}^{-2}$ and the weight $W$ of an object as $W=mg$.


Part 1: The figure quoted in this question for $g$ assumes that the earth is a sphere. Newton's law of gravitation says that the gravitational acceleration felt at a distance $R$ from the centre of a uniform sphere is given by


What radius does this imply for the earth?


Part 2: In 1968 the Olympic Games were held in Mexico city, at an altitude of $2240\mathrm{m}$ above sea level. At these games, Bob Beamon jumped a staggering $8\mathrm{m}$ $90\mathrm{cm}$ in the long jump, smashing the previous record by $55\mathrm{cm}$. This record survived until 1991 when it was broken by a small amount in Tokyo (altitude $17\mathrm{m}$), by Mike Powell.

Do you think that the unusually high altitude of Mexico City contributed to the longevity of Bob Beamon's record? Back up your thoughts with an analysis.  


Part 3: Is the rotational effect of any significance on your weight? Do as much analysis as seems necessary to determine 'significance'.



Part 4: Is there anything else that might have a tiny effect on your weight?



The earth is usually modelled as a uniform sphere of mass $5.9742 \times 10^{24}$ $\mathrm{kg}$.


Assume that the earth spins around its axis once every 24 hours (if you think that this statistic is 'obvious' then you might like to read's_rotation !!)



Light weights

See how the weight of weights varies across the globe.
Exploring and noticing Working systematically Conjecturing and generalising Visualising and representing Reasoning, convincing and proving
Being curious Being resourceful Being resilient Being collaborative


The weight $W$ of an object on earth depends on the mass $m$ of the object and the force of gravity. The weight is usually given by the expression 



However, the actual weight decreases the further you get from the centre of the earth. Newton worked out that weight can be measured more accurately as



Here $M$ is the mass of the earth, $m$ is the mass of the small object you are trying to weigh in $\mbox{kg}$ and $R$ is the distance from the centre of the earth in metres; $W$ is the weight in Newtons, which have units of metres kilograms per second per second.


In Olympic weightlifting the biggest competitors can sometime lift $200\mbox{kg}$ masses overhead. Sometimes weight lifting events take place in high altitude cities and sometimes at sea-level. The question that you are asked is this:

Does the variation in gravity provide a significant effect for weightlifters?

Something else to think about: How high in an airplane or rocket would you have to go before you could lift a $200\mbox{kg}$ mass overhead?


$G$ is called Newton's gravitational constant, which you can read about on Wikipedia.The universal law of gravitation expressed here gives extremely accurate predictions for the orbits of suns and planets. It is eventually superseded by the difficult theory of general relativity. 


16 to 18
| Article by
Toni Beardon
| Published

Playing squash

Playing Squash
In the game of squash, players gain "points'' by winning "rallies''. If the "server'' wins a rally, he or she wins a point; otherwise the service changes hands with no points gained. In theory the game could go on for ever with each player losing all their serves. Note that if in two consecutive rallies both players lose their serve, then the situation is exactly the same as it was before these two serves.

Normally the game is won by the first player to reach 9 points, typically by 2 or more points. But if the score reaches 8-8 then the person due to receive serve can call "9'' (in which case the first to reach 9 wins) or call "10'' (in which case the first to reach 10 wins). In December 2000 the problem was set of deciding whether a player should call "9'' or "10'' if that player has a fixed probability of winning any particular rally, regardless of whether serving or receiving.

We call the players A and B, and we assume that the probability that A wins a rally is $p$, whether he serves or not, and whatever the score is. The corresponding probability for B is $q$, where $p+q=1$.

At any given time there are four outcomes to be considered, namely A or B is the first to serve, and A or B wins the next point. There may be many rallies before anyone scores this point We are interested in finding the four probabilities:
Pr(A wins the next point given that Aserves first)=θ, Pr(A wins the next point given that B serves first)=φ, Pr(B wins the nextpoint given that A serves first)=λ, Pr(B wins the next point given that Bserves first)=μ.
Let us find $\theta$. One possibility is that $A$ wins the first rally, and hence the first point; he does this with probability $p$. If not, he loses it with probability $q$ and $B$ then serves. Then for $A$ to win the next point he must win the next rally (with probability $p$) and then the situation returns to that in which $A$ serves and wins the next point with probability $\theta$. Thus $\theta = p + qp\theta$, and hence Pr(A winsthe next point given that A serves first)=θ=p1pq. Next, we find $\varphi$. As $B$ serves first, $A$ must win the next rally (with probability $p$). The position now is that $A$ is serving and must win the next point (which he does with probability $\theta$). Thus $\varphi = p\theta$, and hence Pr(A wins the next point given that B serves first)=φ=p21pq. By interchanging $A$ with $B$, and $p$ with $q$, we see that Pr(B wins the next point given that Aserves first)=λ=q21pq, and Pr(B winsthe next point given that B serves first)=μ=q1pq. Note that Pr(A or B wins the next point given that Bserves first)=φ+μ, and φ+μ=p21pq+q1pq=p(1q)+q1pq=p+qpq1pq=1pq1pq=1. It follows that if $B$ serves first, then the probability that $A$ or $B$ eventually wins a point is one; hence the probability that the game goes on for ever is zero! You may like to draw a tree diagram to illustrate this, and you will find that a succession of rallies in which nobody scores a point is represented by a long 'zig-zag' in your tree diagram. The start of the tree diagram is given below.
Playing Squash

The rules of squash say that if the position is reached when the score is $(8,8)$ (we give A's score first), and $B$ is to serve, then $A$ must choose between the game ending when the first player reaches $9$ or when the first player reaches $10$. We want to decide what is the best choice for $A$ to make (when $p$ and $q$ are known).

If $A$ chooses $9$, then he wins the game with probability $\varphi$. Suppose now that $A$ chooses $10$; then the sequence of possible scores and their associated probabilities are as follows:

Sequence of scores Probability Probability in terms of $p,q$
$(8,8) \to (9,8) \to (10,8)$ $\varphi \times \theta$ $p^3/(1-pq)^2$
$(8,8)\to (8,9)\to (9,9) \to (10,9)$ $\mu\times\varphi\times\theta$ $p^3q/(1-pq)^3$
$(8,8) \to (9,8) \to (9,9) \to (10,9)$ $\varphi \times \lambda\times \varphi$ $p^4q^2/(1-pq)^3$

It follows that the choice of $9$ by $A$ is best for $A$ if $\varphi > \varphi\theta + \mu\varphi\theta + \varphi^2\lambda$, or, equivalently, $1 > \theta + \mu\theta + \varphi\lambda$. In terms of $p$ and $q$ this inequality is 1>p1pq+pq(1pq)2+p2q2(1pq)2, and this is equivalent to (1pq)2>p(1pq)+pq+p2q2. After simplification (remember that $p+q=1$), this is equivalent to $p^2-3p+1> 0$. This means that $A$ should choose $9$ if $p < 0.38$ and should choose $10$ if $p> 0.38$.

[See the problem Squash on the NRICH site.]

Any win for tennis?

What are your chances of winning a game of tennis?
Exploring and noticing Working systematically Conjecturing and generalising Visualising and representing Reasoning, convincing and proving
Being curious Being resourceful Being resilient Being collaborative


A mathematician tennis player said:

"In tennis you win a game if you score 4 points before your opponent scores 3 points. Or, if you both score 3 points at some stage you win if you manage to score 2 points in a row after the 3-all stage before your opponent does."

This sentence is quite a mouthful to say, so first think about what it means! If you play tennis, think about how this mathematically represents the scoring system.


Suppose that you have a fixed chance of $0.6$ of winning any given point. What is your chance of winning a game?




Numerical extension

In reality a fixed chance of winning a point is not a good assumption. Suppose that Ahmed has a 60% chance of winning the first point if he serves, 80% chance of winning a point if he has just won a point and a 40% chance of winning a point if he has just lost a point. Suppose that Bryoni's chances are 85%, 80% and 30% respectively if she serves.

What chance would each player have of winning a service match?






In the 2010 Wimbledon Championships, Isner and Mahut played the longest match in tennis history: the match went on for three days and finished with a score of 70-68! (You can read about it in the Plus article here) After the match, Isner said that a match like this will never happen again.


I wonder if Isner was correct in this statement. The famous Cambridge mathematician Tim Gowers thought about this question on his blog.


Angle of shot

At what angle should you release the shot to break Olympic records?
Exploring and noticing Working systematically Conjecturing and generalising Visualising and representing Reasoning, convincing and proving
Being curious Being resourceful Being resilient Being collaborative


When a projectile is fired, it travels along a parabola (in the absence of wind and air resistance).


Part 1: A shot putter will release the shot from arms length. Estimate the optimal angle that the shot should be released from to make it travel furthest, assuming the the shot putter can launch the shot at the same speed from any angle. (Note: the shot is launched from around head height rather than ground level)


Part 2: In reality it is not possible to launch the shot at the same speed from any angle: the body is naturally able to put more power into certain angles. Linthorne (2001) constructed a mathematical model in which the velocity is related to the projection angle as follows (Linthorne has written about the model on the Brunel University site; the published reference is given at the foot of the problem)


where $F$ is the force (in newtons) exerted on the shot for a horizontal release angle, $a$ is a constant that characterizes the rate of force decrease with increasing release angle, $l$ is the acceleration path length (in metres) of the shot during the delivery and $m$ is the mass of the shot $\left(7.26 \mathrm{kg}\right)$. A typical set of values for these parameters might be $F=450\mathrm{N}$,  $a=3\mathrm{N/degree}$,  $l=1.65\mathrm{m}$ and $m=7.26\mathrm{kg}$.  

Determine approximately the angle the shot putter should choose, to maximise the length of the shot put.


You may wish to do a little research and study some video footage or stills showing shot putters releasing the shot, to see how close your theoretical optimum angle is to the angle of release used in practice.

The published reference for the paper is
Linthorne, N. P. (2001). Optimum release angle in the shot put. Journal of Sports Sciences, 19, 359-372.


10 Olympic starters

10 intriguing starters related to the mechanics of sport.

Exploring and noticing Working systematically Conjecturing and generalising Visualising and representing Reasoning, convincing and proving
Being curious Being resourceful Being resilient Being collaborative


Consider some of these questions concerning the mechanics of sport. You might need more data in some cases or need to make an approximation to allow for mathematical modelling. You might be able to give precise answers or answers bounded by some reasonable error range. Be as precise as you can in your assumptions so as to convince yourself or others of the answers.

1. What if a long jumper could launch him or her self from the platform at 45 degrees with the same speed as at their standard launch angle? How far would they jump?

2. In pistol and rifle events, competitors aim at a 10-ringed target from the set distances of 10m, 25m and 50m. Do you think that marksmen need to alter their angle of aim by a measurable amount between these targets?

3. Imagine that a wind of speed 1ms$^{-1}$ is blowing parallel to the straight parts of the athletics track. Do you think that this would help or hinder a 400m sprinter?

4. What if a shot-putter could launch the shot at an angle of 45 degrees at the same speed as their usual launch angle?

5. At what speed does a pole-vaulter hit the crash mat?

6. In football, a penalty is taken 12 yards away from the goal. How good do the goalkeeper's reactions have to be?

7. A basketball free throw is taken 4.6m from the hoop. The hoop is 45.7cm in diameter, and 3.05m high. The basketball is 24cm in diameter. How precise does a player's shot have to be to ensure the ball goes in the hoop?

8. A trampolinist can jump to a height of 10m. They perform a double somersault. How quickly must they be able to rotate in order to land safely on their feet and not on their head?

9. A gymnast is swinging on a high bar. The distance between his waist and the bar is 0.90m. At the top of the swing his speed is momentarily 0ms$^{-1}$. Calculate his speed at the bottom of the swing.

10. Assuming the ball travels at a constant speed throughout, how much longer does a tennis serve to the edge of the court take to reach the baseline than a serve 'down the T'? 



If the score is 8-8 do I have more chance of winning if the winner is the first to reach 9 points or the first to reach 10 points?
Exploring and noticing Working systematically Conjecturing and generalising Visualising and representing Reasoning, convincing and proving
Being curious Being resourceful Being resilient Being collaborative


In the game of squash, players gain "points" by winning "rallies". If the "server" wins a rally, he or she wins a point; otherwise the service changes hands with no points gained.

Normally the game is won by the first player to reach 9 points -- typically by 2 or more points. But if the score reaches 8-8 then the person due to receive serve can call "9" (in which case the first to reach 9 wins) or call "10" (in which case the first to reach 10 wins).

I'm playing a game against Ivana Slogovitch, the Russian squash champion. I estimate that my chance of winning any particular rally against her, regardless of whether I serve or not, is p. The score gets to 8-8 and I am due to receive serve. Should I call "9" or "10"?

The Olympic LOGO

Can you use LOGO to draw a logo?

Exploring and noticing Working systematically Conjecturing and generalising Visualising and representing Reasoning, convincing and proving
Being curious Being resourceful Being resilient Being collaborative


How would you write a LOGO program to approximately reproduce the Olympic Rings logo?


You can do this theoretically, use logo or even try to do it in a limited number of characters making use of the twilgo environment. Using this small number of characters is a challenge!

Did you know ... ?

LOGO is a simple programming language which instructs a pointer (or 'turtle') to move on a flat surface. Mathematicians often become very skilled computer programmers and learning how to create beautiful, efficient algorithms is a part of this.

Fa cup

In four years 2001 to 2004 Arsenal have been drawn against Chelsea in the FA cup and have beaten Chelsea every time. What was the probability of this? Lots of fractions in the calculations!
Exploring and noticing Working systematically Conjecturing and generalising Visualising and representing Reasoning, convincing and proving
Being curious Being resourceful Being resilient Being collaborative


FA Cup

In the FA Cup 64 teams play a knockout tournament. Over the four years 2001, 2002, 2003 and 2004 Arsenal have been drawn against Chelsea each year and have beaten Chelsea every time. What is the probability of that happening?

Let's say that whenever Arsenal and Chelsea play the probability of Arsenal winning is 0.6 and otherwise, throughout the tournament, both these teams have a probability of winning of 0.7 in the first round, 0.6 in the second round and 0.5 in the subsequent rounds.

Pole vaulting

Consider the mechanics of pole vaulting
Exploring and noticing Working systematically Conjecturing and generalising Visualising and representing Reasoning, convincing and proving
Being curious Being resourceful Being resilient Being collaborative


The pole vault event consists of these phases:


1. The vaulter stands at the end of the runway holding the pole vertically.

2. The runner sprints along the runway as the top of the pole is moved towards the ground.

3. The pole is planted in the box.

4. The pole flexes and absorbs the energy of the runner.

5. The pole straightens and the runner is propelled up and (hopefully!) over the bar.


This is a fascinating mechanical process!

Can you draw a sequence of simple pictures which represent the stages of a pole vault?


Then consider these questions, using appropriate data for the athlete:


1. What is the locus of the centre of mass of the athlete during this process?

2. How much kinetic energy does the runner and pole contain just prior to planting in the box?

3. How efficiently is this converted into potential energy?


There are various levels of sophistication at which this can be considered - analyse with as much depth as you feel is relevant and you can use real data (some are provided below) or approximations. Either is fine, provided that your assumptions and estimations are clearly stated.



You might wish to use the following data:


Pole vaulting world record holders as of January 2011:

Male = 6.14m (Sergey Bubka), Female = 5.06m (Yelena Isinbayeva)


Lengths of poles vary between 2.3m to 6.4m, with weight rated individually

Height and weight of vaulters: Sergey Bubka 1.83m/80kg, Yelena Isinbayeva 1.74m/65kg  

Length of runway: 40m