You can also find lots of lovely activities on the sport.maths.org pages.
Remember that our stages roughly refer to the English Key Stages in which the mathematical content is likely to be found and the number of stars indicate how difficult is is likely to be to get into the problem. All our problems are likely to contain enough depth to satisfy the most enthusiastic problem solvers!

Alternative record book

Can you do it too?
Try some throwing activities and see whether you can throw something as far as the Olympic hammer or discus throwers.

Decathlon: the art of scoring points

Fa cup

Going for gold
Looking at the 2012 Olympic Medal table, can you see how the data is organised? Could the results be presented differently to give another nation the top place?

High jumping

Little little g

Match the matches

May the best person win

Medal muddle

Now and then
Have a look at the results for some events at past Olympic Games. Can you use these to predict the results at the next Olympics?

Nutrition and cycling

Olympic logic

Olympic measures

Olympic records

Olympic rings
Can you design your own version of the Olympic rings, using interlocking squares instead of circles?

Olympic starters
Look at some of the results from the Olympic Games in the past. How do you compare if you try some similar activities?

Olympic triathlon

Olympic turns
This task looks at the different turns involved in different Olympic sports as a way of exploring the mathematics of turns and angles.

Opening patterns

Performing beyond expectations - using sport to motivate students in mathematics lessons

Playing squash

Secondary sport collection

Speed-time problems at the Olympics
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to race against Usain Bolt?

Sports equipment


Stadium sightline

The animals' sports day
One day, five small animals in my garden had a sports day. Who do you think won each race?

The fastest cyclist

The games' medals

The Olympic torch tour
Imagine you had to plan the tour for the Olympic Torch. Is there an efficient way of choosing the shortest possible route?

Tournament scheduling

Track design
Where should runners start the 200m race so that they have all run the same distance by the finish?

Training schedule


What's the point of squash?

Who can be the winner?