What's it worth?
There are lots of different methods to find out what the shapes are worth - how many can you find?

Cinema problem
A cinema has 100 seats. How can ticket sales make £100 for these different combinations of ticket prices?

How far does it move?
Experiment with the interactivity of "rolling" regular polygons, and explore how the different positions of the dot affects the distance it travels at each stage.

Reflecting lines

Translating lines

What does random look like?

Generating triples

Diamond collector
Collect as many diamonds as you can by drawing three straight lines.

Product Sudoku
The clues for this Sudoku are the product of the numbers in adjacent squares.

Tower of Hanoi
The Tower of Hanoi is an ancient mathematical challenge. Working on the building blocks may help you to explain the patterns you notice.

Fill me up
Can you sketch graphs to show how the height of water changes in different containers as they are filled?

What numbers can we make now?
Imagine we have four bags containing numbers from a sequence. What numbers can we make now?

How many miles to go?

Ben's game