A swiss sum
Can you use the given image to say something about the sum of an infinite series?
Seeing squares for two
Seeing Squares game for an adult and child. Can you come up with a way of always winning this game?
This activity investigates how you might make squares and pentominoes from Polydron.
Making squares
Investigate all the different squares you can make on this 5 by 5 grid by making your starting side go from the bottom left hand point. Can you find out the areas of all these squares?
Take a square
Cut off three right angled isosceles triangles to produce a
pentagon. With two lines, cut the pentagon into three parts which
can be rearranged into another square.
Two triangles in a square
Given that ABCD is a square, M is the mid point of AD and CP is perpendicular to MB with P on MB, prove DP = DC.
Great squares
Investigate how this pattern of squares continues. You could measure lengths, areas and angles.
Squaring the circle and circling the square
If you continue the pattern, can you predict what each of the following areas will be? Try to explain your prediction.