problem What numbers can we make now? Age 11 to 14 Challenge level Imagine we have four bags containing numbers from a sequence. What numbers can we make now?
problem More Less is More Age 7 to 14 Challenge level In each of these games, you will need a little bit of luck, and your knowledge of place value to develop a winning strategy.
page Mathdoku demonstration This video of Charlie and Liz solving a 6 by 6 Mathdoku may give you ideas for strategies to try.
problem 6 by 6 Mathdokus Age 7 to 16 Challenge level Can you use the clues to complete these 6 by 6 Mathematical Sudokus?
problem 5 by 5 Mathdokus Age 7 to 16 Challenge level Can you use the clues to complete these 5 by 5 Mathematical Sudokus?
problem 4 by 4 Mathdokus Age 7 to 14 Challenge level Can you use the clues to complete these 4 by 4 Mathematical Sudokus?
problem 3 by 3 Mathdokus Age 7 to 14 Challenge level Can you use the clues to complete these 3 by 3 Mathematical Sudokus?
problem Counting Stick Conjectures Age 5 to 11 Challenge level How many rectangles can you see? Are they all the same size? Can you predict how many rectangles there will be in counting sticks of different lengths?
problem Triangle in a Square Age 7 to 11 Challenge level Do you agree with Badger's statements? Is Badger's reasoning watertight? Why or why not?
problem Diagonally Square Age 7 to 11 Challenge level Ayah conjectures that the diagonals of a square meet at right angles. Do you agree? How could you find out?