
Colourful tiles
Weekly Problem 21 - 2011
How many ways can you paint this wall with four different colours?
How many ways can you paint this wall with four different colours?

Oranges and lemons, say the bells of St Clement's
Bellringers have a special way to write down the patterns they ring. Learn about these patterns and draw some of your own.

Bell ringing
Suppose you are a bellringer. Can you find the changes so that,
starting and ending with a round, all the 24 possible permutations
are rung once each and only once?

Even up
Consider all of the five digit numbers which we can form using only the digits 2, 4, 6 and 8. If these numbers are arranged in ascending order, what is the 512th number?

Voting paradox
Some relationships are transitive, such as `if A>B and B>C
then it follows that A>C', but some are not. In a voting system,
if A beats B and B beats C should we expect A to beat C?

The four digits 5, 6, 7 and 8 are put at random in the spaces of
the number : 3 _ 1 _ 4 _ 0 _ 9 2 Calculate the probability that the
answer will be a multiple of 396.

Chances are
Which of these games would you play to give yourself the best possible chance of winning a prize?

Master minding
Your partner chooses two beads and places them side by side behind a screen. What is the minimum number of guesses you would need to be sure of guessing the two beads and their positions?