Networks/graph theory

There are 45 NRICH Mathematical resources connected to Networks/graph theory
The Four Colour Theorem

The Four Colour Theorem

The Four Colour Conjecture was first stated just over 150 years ago, and finally proved conclusively in 1976. It is an outstanding example of how old ideas can be combined with new discoveries. prove a mathematical theorem.
Symmetric Tangles

Symmetric Tangles

The tangles created by the twists and turns of the Conway rope trick are surprisingly symmetrical. Here's why!


A personal investigation of Conway's Rational Tangles. What were the interesting questions that needed to be asked, and where did they lead?
Euler's Formula

Euler's Formula

Some simple ideas about graph theory with a discussion of a proof of Euler's formula relating the numbers of vertces, edges and faces of a graph.
Going Places with Mathematicians

Going Places with Mathematicians

This article looks at the importance in mathematics of representing places and spaces mathematics. Many famous mathematicians have spent time working on problems that involve moving and mapping things.
Sprouts Explained

Sprouts Explained

This article invites you to get familiar with a strategic game called "sprouts". The game is simple enough for younger children to understand, and has also provided experienced mathematicians with significant food for thought.
Dice, Routes and Pathways

Dice, Routes and Pathways

This article for teachers discusses examples of problems in which there is no obvious method but in which children can be encouraged to think deeply about the context and extend their ability to think mathematically, especially geometrically.