article Public key cryptography An introduction to coding and decoding messages and the maths behind how to secretly share information.
problem Age of augustus Age 11 to 14 Challenge level The English mathematician Augustus de Morgan has given his age in algebraic terms. Can you work out when he was born?
problem Maundy money Age 11 to 14 Challenge level How much money did the Queen give away in pence as a power of 2?
problem Negative power Age 14 to 16 Challenge level What does this number mean ? Which order of 1, 2, 3 and 4 makes the highest value ? Which makes the lowest ?
problem Tens Age 16 to 18 Challenge level When is $7^n + 3^n$ a multiple of 10? Can you prove the result by two different methods?
problem Elevens Age 16 to 18 Challenge level Add powers of 3 and powers of 7 and get multiples of 11.
problem Largest expression Age 14 to 16 Challenge level Which of these five algebraic expressions is largest, given $x$ is between 0 and 1?
problem Powerful zeros Age 14 to 16 Challenge level How many zeros are there at the end of $3^4 \times 4^5 \times 5^6$?
problem Perfectly square Age 14 to 16 Challenge level The sums of the squares of three related numbers is also a perfect square - can you explain why?
problem The public key Age 16 to 18 Challenge level Find 180 to the power 59 (mod 391) to crack the code. To find the secret number with a calculator we work with small numbers like 59 and 391 but very big numbers are used in the real world for this.