Area - squares and rectangles
A day with grandpa
Grandpa was measuring a rug using yards, feet and inches. Can you
help William to work out its area?
Seven small rectangular pictures have one inch wide frames. The frames are removed and the pictures are fitted together like a jigsaw to make a rectangle of length 12 inches. Find the dimensions of the pictures.
Take a square
Cut off three right angled isosceles triangles to produce a
pentagon. With two lines, cut the pentagon into three parts which
can be rearranged into another square.
Griddy region
Weekly Problem 34 - 2008
What is the area of the region common to this triangle and square?
What is the area of the region common to this triangle and square?
Rope mat
How many centimetres of rope will I need to make another mat just
like the one I have here?