Going Deeper with Geometry
The tasks in this feature for Primary teachers will provide opportunities for learners to dig deeply into geometrical ideas.
Playing with Dice
New term, new classes? Playing with dice can tell you a lot about how your new pupils think.
Low Threshold High Ceiling
The low threshold high ceiling activities in this feature are ideal for supporting and challenging whole classes.
Playing with Number
Playing around with numbers is an essential part of being a mathematician...
Recording Mathematics
This collection of activities allows you to focus on children's own representations and recordings.
Working Systematically
These activities encourage children to work systematically in a variety of contexts.
Developing Able Young Mathematicians
These activities are particularly good for challenging high-attaining primary children.
Developing Group-working Skills
This collection of tasks encourages children to build group-working skills.
Number Patterns
The tasks in this collection encourage children to create, recognise, extend and explain number patterns.
Strategy Games
These strategy games are a great way of helping children develop logical thinking.
Problem Solving
This feature details how NRICH can help you embed a problem-solving approach in your classroom.
Fractions Unpacked
In this feature we offer rich tasks to build learners' deep conceptual understanding of fractions.
Proof Through Words - Geometry
In this feature for Primary teachers, we offer a selection of geometrical tasks that lend themselves to 'proof through words'.
Going Deeper with Number
The tasks in this Primary feature offer opportunities to dig deeply into number, place value and calculation.
Number Sense and Place Value
This feature aims to support you in developing children's early number sense and understanding of place value.
Number Fluency
This feature brings together tasks which help to develop learners' fluency in the context of number and calculation.
Algebra in the New Curriculum
This feature includes articles and tasks which will support you in encouraging algebraic thinking throughout primary school.
This feature draws together tasks which give learners opportunities to reason for different purposes.
Mastering Mathematics: Developing Generalising and Proof
This feature focuses on generalising and proving.
Jaunts into Geometry
This feature will help you embed the three aims of the curriculum into the teaching and learning of geometry.
Puzzling with Paper
These tasks offer opportunities for deepening learners' mathematical understanding and their positive learning dispositions.
Open Spaces
In this feature, we share some of the problems from the Open Spaces pathway on Wild Maths.
Play to Win
In this feature, we share some of the problems from the Play to Win pathway on Wild Maths.
Hidden Gems
This feature brings together hidden gems from the NRICH site to celebrate NRICH's 20th birthday.
The Problem-solving Classroom
This feature outlines aspects to consider to create a space in which problem solving can flourish.
Celebrating Solutions
This feature focuses on how children's solutions to NRICH tasks can themselves be used as a teaching resource.
What's the Problem with Problem Solving?
The focus of this feature is to show that every lesson can be a problem solving lesson.
Calling all maths detectives! This feature focuses on lots of fun problems for children to solve.
I wonder ... what if ...?
This feature explores how teachers can harness the power of curiosity by using some tasks that may cause children to wonder!
Resilience and Perseverance
This feature contains some tricky tasks that you will need to work hard at in order to succeed
Look More Closely
These tasks encourage learners to look at a familiar context through a new lens.
Adventures into the Unknown
These activities offer novel situations which will help provoke learners' sense of awe and wonder.
Pattern and Structure
The tasks in this feature for Primary teachers will help you to develop learners' awareness of pattern and will serve as a springboard to exploring mathematical structures.
Intriguing Interactivities
This feature for primary teachers brings together tasks with interactivities to stimulate learners' curiosity.
Proof through Words - Number
In this feature for Primary teachers, we offer a selection of numerical tasks that lend themselves to 'proof through words'.
Outdoor maths
Take maths outside the classroom with the tasks in this feature for Primary teachers.
Starting the term with rich tasks
These tasks, chosen from our 2022 summer challenges, are particularly suitable for the start of term, when you are getting to know your learners.
Multiple Representations
This feature for primary teachers focuses on representing mathematical thinking in different ways.
Reflecting on Methods, Improving Solutions
The tasks in this feature have been designed to encourage learners to be curious about different routes to a solution.
Using Wonder to Promote Curiosity
The tricks in this feature will capture children's curiosity, motivating them to explore and explain.
What is the Question?
The tasks in this feature encourage learners to become fluent with times tables, but with a difference...
Being Playful, Becoming Engaged
The problems in this feature will help to inspire your learners to be playful, become engaged, and then think deeply about the mathematical contexts that underpin them.
The tasks in this feature use Cuisenaire rods to help learners visualise and explore the links to be made between proportionality, equivalence, comparison, difference and pattern.
Compare to Pair
This feature offers interactive 'matching pairs' games which will help learners understand equivalence in a variety of contexts.
Maths at Home
This feature is packed with activities and games for learners to work on at home, without a teacher.
Nurturing Successful Mathematicians
In this feature, we offer sets of linked tasks which will help develop learners as mathematicians.
A Flexible Approach to Calculating
The tasks in this feature are designed to encourage learners to make, and justify, decisions about the method they use to solve a calculation.
Flexibility in Geometry
In this feature for Primary teachers, you will find tasks to help learners develop their flexibility in a geometrical context.
To Balance or Not to Balance
This feature for primary teachers focuses on the concept of equivalence, and showcases our balance interactivity in several guises.
Meaningful Data Handling
In this feature for Primary teachers, we offer a range of data handling activities which capitalise on learners' natural curiosity.
Exploring Factors and Multiples
In this feature for Primary teachers, we encourage learners to play with factors and multiples, which will help develop their 'feel' for numbers.
Playing Strategically
This feature offers a variety of playful contexts in which pupils will be challenged to think ahead and modify their tactics as they become more expert at each of the games.
Playing with Place Value
These tasks offer an engaging way for learners to deepen their understanding of place value.
Picturing Quadrilaterals
The problems and games in this feature for Primary teachers will challenge your learners to visualise quadrilaterals.
Starting the Year with Rich Tasks
These tasks, chosen from our 2023 summer challenges, are particularly suitable for the start of the year, when you are getting to know your learners.
Playing with coins and mathematical Sudokus
In this feature for Primary teachers, we introduce our Mathdoku, a mathematical version of the well-known Sudoku.
Celebrating the Olympics
To celebrate the 2016 Olympics, we have brought together these tasks which have a sporting context.
NRICH at every stage
This feature offers a range of tasks which could be used to reflect on learning or used to plan transition days
Using National Young Mathematicians' Award tasks to develop problem-solving and group-working skills
This feature supports primary teachers in developing learners' problem-solving and group-working skills using tasks created for the Young Mathematicians' Award.
Playing with 2D shape
Children need opportunities to play around with shapes as well as meeting them formally. These activities combine the two.