Developing logical thinking: the place of strategy games


Seeing squares
Players take it in turns to choose a dot on the grid. The winner is the first to have four dots that can be joined to form a square.

Stop the clock
This is a game for two players. Can you find out how to be the first to get to 12 o'clock?

Factors and multiples game
A game in which players take it in turns to choose a number. Can you block your opponent?

Nice or nasty
There are nasty versions of this dice game but we'll start with the nice ones...

Got it
A game for two people, or play online. Given a target number, say 23, and a range of numbers to choose from, say 1-4, players take it in turns to add to the running total to hit their target.

Meet the Nim family
Jennifer Piggott and the NRICH team introduce Nim-like games to help children think creatively in mathematics.

Going for games

More strategy games lower primary

Got it article

Winning lines