Throughout history, mathematicians have used tools and technology to help them to spot patterns, develop conjectures, and make generalisations. We hope your learners' curiosity will be tickled by the interactivities in these tasks, and that by exploring with a computer or tablet, they will gain mathematical insights that they otherwise might not have perceived.

Using digital manipulatives and interactivities to develop curiosity
In this short article, Alison and Liz explore how pupils' curiosity can be stimulated by digital environments.

Two-digit targets
You have a set of the digits from 0 to 9. Can you arrange these in the five boxes to make two-digit numbers as close to the targets as possible?

Colouring triangles
Explore ways of colouring this set of triangles. Can you make symmetrical patterns?

4 dom
Use these four dominoes to make a square that has the same number of dots on each side.

Three squares
What is the greatest number of squares you can make by overlapping three squares?

Times tables shifts
In this activity, the computer chooses a times table and shifts it. Can you work out the table and the shift each time?

Transformations on a pegboard
How would you move the bands on the pegboard to alter these shapes?

Triangles all around
Can you find all the different triangles on these peg boards, and find their angles?