Chairs and tables
Make a chair and table out of interlocking cubes, making sure that the chair fits under the table!

Matching triangles
Can you sort these triangles into three different families and explain how you did it?

I've made some cubes and some cubes with holes in. This challenge invites you to explore the difference in the number of small cubes I've used. Can you see any patterns?

So it's 28

Poly plug rectangles
The computer has made a rectangle and will tell you the number of spots it uses in total. Can you find out where the rectangle is?

Poly plug pattern
Create a pattern on the small grid. How could you extend your pattern on the larger grid?

Let's investigate triangles
Vincent and Tara are making triangles with the class construction set. They have a pile of strips of different lengths. How many different triangles can they make?

Teddy Town
There are nine teddies in Teddy Town - three red, three blue and three yellow. There are also nine houses, three of each colour. Can you put them on the map of Teddy Town according to the rules?

Four colours

Two on five

Hundred square
A hundred square has been printed on both sides of a piece of paper. What is on the back of 100? 58? 23? 19?

Making shapes

These caterpillars have 16 parts. What different shapes do they make if each part lies in the small squares of a 4 by 4 square?

Building with cubes

Teddy Town - part two
There are nine teddies in Teddy Town - three red, three blue and three yellow. There are also nine houses, three of each colour. Can you put them on the map of Teddy Town according to the rules?

Teddy Town - part three
There are sixteen teddies in Teddy Town - four red, four blue, four yellow and four green. There are also sixteen houses, four of each colour. Can you put them on the map of Teddy Town according to the rules?

Teddy Town - part four
There are twenty five teddies in Teddy Town - five red, five blue, five yellow, five green and five purple. There are also twenty five houses, five of each colour. Can you put them on the map of Teddy Town according to the rules?

Teddy Town - part five
There are thirty six teddies in Teddy Town - six red, six blue, six yellow, six green, six purple and six turquoise. There are also thirty six houses, six of each colour. Can you put them on the map of Teddy Town according to the rules?

Happy halving
Can you split each of the shapes below in half so that the two parts are exactly the same?

Start cube drilling

Square it
Players take it in turns to choose a dot on the grid. The winner is the first to have four dots that can be joined to form a square.