To see all the articles we publish for primary teachers, please see our CPD Articles for the Classroom.
Mathematical problem solving in the early years
Mathematical problem solving in the early years: developing opportunities, strategies and confidence
In this article for Early Years practitioners, Dr Sue Gifford outlines ways to develop children's problem-solving strategies and confidence in problem solving.
Encouraging primary children to work systematically
Primary children's mathematical recording
Developing number fluency - what, why and how
Reasoning: identifying opportunities
In this article for primary teachers we consider in depth when we might reason which helps us understand what reasoning 'looks like'.
Using NRICH tasks to develop key problem-solving skills
This article, written for primary teachers, discusses what we mean by 'problem-solving skills' and draws attention to NRICH tasks which can help develop specific skills.
Exploration versus calculation
Reasoning: the journey from novice to expert (article)
This article for primary teachers suggests ways in which we can help learners move from being novice reasoners to expert reasoners.
Mastering mathematics: the challenge of generalising and proof
Pupils' recording or pupils recording
Opening out
Children's mathematical writing
Geometry in the primary curriculum
Experiencing problem solving
Using NRICH solutions as a resource
In this article for primary teachers, we suggest ways in which children's solutions on the NRICH site can be used as a teaching resource in their own right.
What's the problem with problem solving?
Group-working skills
Why dialogue matters in primary proof
Group-worthy tasks and their potential to support children to develop independent problem-solving skills
Developing logical thinking: the place of strategy games
Developing a classroom culture that supports a problem-solving approach to mathematics
Problem solving and the new curriculum
Back to the practical?
Using national young mathematicians' award tasks to develop problem-solving and group-working skills
This article for primary teachers uses National Young Mathematicians' Award tasks as contexts in which to develop learners' problem-solving and group-working skills.