Trigonometric functions and graphs
Explore the properties of combinations of trig functions in this open investigation. -
Back fitter
10 graphs of experimental data are given. Can you use a spreadsheet to find algebraic graphs which match them closely, and thus discover the formulae most likely to govern the underlying processes?
Tangled trig graphs
Can you work out the equations of the trig graphs I used to make my pattern?
Taking trigonometry series-ly
Look at the advanced way of viewing sin and cos through their power series. -
Sine and cosine
The sine of an angle is equal to the cosine of its complement. Can you explain why and does this rule extend beyond angles of 90 degrees? -
Spherical triangles on very big spheres
Shows that Pythagoras for Spherical Triangles reduces to Pythagoras's Theorem in the plane when the triangles are small relative to the radius of the sphere. -
What do functions do for tiny x?
Looking at small values of functions. Motivating the existence of the Taylor expansion.