Reasoning, convincing and proving

There are 461 NRICH Mathematical resources connected to Reasoning, convincing and proving
con Tricks

con Tricks

Here are some examples of 'cons', and see if you can figure out where the trick is.
Powerful properties

Powerful properties

Yatir from Israel wrote this article on numbers that can be written as $ 2^n-n $ where n is a positive integer.


Imagine two identical cylindrical pipes meeting at right angles and think about the shape of the space which belongs to both pipes. Early Chinese mathematicians call this shape the mouhefanggai.
Volume of a Pyramid and a Cone

Volume of a Pyramid and a Cone

These formulae are often quoted, but rarely proved. In this article, we derive the formulae for the volumes of a square-based pyramid and a cone, using relatively simple mathematical concepts.
An Alphanumeric

An Alphanumeric

Freddie Manners, of Packwood Haugh School in Shropshire solved an alphanumeric without using the extra information supplied and this article explains his reasoning.
A computer program to find magic squares

A computer program to find magic squares

This follows up the 'magic Squares for Special Occasions' article which tells you you to create a 4by4 magicsquare with a special date on the top line using no negative numbers and no repeats.
To Prove or Not to Prove

To Prove or Not to Prove

A serious but easily readable discussion of proof in mathematics with some amusing stories and some interesting examples.
Euler's Formula and Topology

Euler's Formula and Topology

Here is a proof of Euler's formula in the plane and on a sphere together with projects to explore cases of the formula for a polygon with holes, for the torus and other solids with holes and the relationship between Euler's formula and angle deficiency of polyhedra.
Sperner's Lemma

Sperner's Lemma

An article about the strategy for playing The Triangle Game which appears on the NRICH site. It contains a simple lemma about labelling a grid of equilateral triangles within a triangular frame.