Powers and roots
Twelve cubed
A wooden cube with edges of length 12cm is cut into cubes with edges of length 1cm. What is the total length of the all the edges of these centimetre cubes?
Rachel's problem
Is it true that $99^n$ has 2n digits and $999^n$ has 3n digits? Investigate!
Like powers
Investigate $1^n + 19^n + 20^n + 51^n + 57^n + 80^n + 82^n $ and $2^n + 12^n + 31^n + 40^n + 69^n + 71^n + 85^n$ for different values of n.
Archimedes and numerical roots
The problem is how did Archimedes calculate the lengths of the sides of the polygons which needed him to be able to calculate square roots?
Unusual long division - square roots before calculators
However did we manage before calculators? Is there an efficient way
to do a square root if you have to do the work yourself?