
  • Limiting Probabilities

    Limiting probabilities

    16 to 18
    Challenge level
    filled star filled star filled star
    Given probabilities of taking paths in a graph from each node, use matrix multiplication to find the probability of going from one vertex to another in 2 stages, or 3, or 4 or even 100.
  • Flipping Twisty Matrices

    Flipping twisty matrices

    14 to 18
    Challenge level
    filled star empty star empty star
    Investigate the transformations of the plane given by the 2 by 2 matrices with entries taking all combinations of values 0, -1 and +1.
  • Stringing it Out

    Stringing it out

    14 to 16
    Challenge level
    filled star empty star empty star
    Explore the transformations and comment on what you find.
  • Reflect Again

    Reflect again

    16 to 18
    Challenge level
    filled star filled star filled star
    Follow hints to investigate the matrix which gives a reflection of the plane in the line y=tanx. Show that the combination of two reflections in intersecting lines is a rotation.
  • Rots and Refs

    Rots and refs

    16 to 18
    Challenge level
    filled star empty star empty star
    Follow hints using a little coordinate geometry, plane geometry and trig to see how matrices are used to work on transformations of the plane.
  • 8 Methods for Three By One

    8 methods for three by one

    14 to 18
    Challenge level
    filled star filled star empty star
    This problem in geometry has been solved in no less than EIGHT ways by a pair of students. How would you solve it? How many of their solutions can you follow? How are they the same or different? Which do you like best?