Fibonacci sequence

There are 31 NRICH Mathematical resources connected to Fibonacci sequence
First Forward into Logo 11: Sequences

First forward into logo 11: sequences

11 to 18
Challenge level
filled star empty star empty star
This part introduces the use of Logo for number work. Learn how to use Logo to generate sequences of numbers.
Paving Paths

Paving paths

11 to 14
Challenge level
filled star filled star empty star
How many different ways can I lay 10 paving slabs, each 2 foot by 1 foot, to make a path 2 foot wide and 10 foot long from my back door into my garden, without cutting any of the paving slabs?
Simple Train Journeys

Simple train journeys

5 to 11
Challenge level
filled star empty star empty star
How many different journeys could you make if you were going to visit four stations in this network? How about if there were five stations? Can you predict the number of journeys for seven stations?
Gnomon dimensions

Gnomon dimensions

14 to 16
Challenge level
filled star filled star empty star
These gnomons appear to have more than a passing connection with the Fibonacci sequence. This problem ask you to investigate some of these connections.
Building Gnomons

Building gnomons

14 to 16
Challenge level
filled star empty star empty star
Build gnomons that are related to the Fibonacci sequence and try to explain why this is possible.
Farey Fibonacci

Farey fibonacci

16 to 18
Challenge level
filled star empty star empty star
Investigate Farey sequences of ratios of Fibonacci numbers.
LOGO Challenge - Circles as bugs

Logo challenge - circles as bugs

11 to 16
Challenge level
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Here are some circle bugs to try to replicate with some elegant programming, plus some sequences generated elegantly in LOGO.
Fibonacci Deduction

Fibonacci deduction

11 to 14
Challenge level
filled star empty star empty star
Leonard writes down a sequence of numbers. Can you find a formula to predict the seventh number in his sequence?
Stringing it Out

Stringing it out

14 to 16
Challenge level
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Explore the transformations and comment on what you find.