Reasoning, convincing and proving is part of our Developing mathematical thinking collection.
In Developing mathematical thinking - Reasoning, convincing and proving, we offer you guidance on how to provide opportunities for students to develop their reasoning and communication skills.
Logical reasoning and proof are at the heart of mathematics. Mathematicians are not satisfied by vague assertions that something seems to be true, they need to be convinced that there is no doubt.
Our classroom needs to be a place where learners are actively involved, constructing convincing arguments themselves, rather than simply trusting the teacher.
How do we ensure our students develop the necessary skills?
These problems will challenge students to articulate their thinking and communicate their ideas in a convincing way.

Year 1 Reasoning, convincing and proving
Age: 5 - 7

Year 2 Reasoning, convincing and proving
Age: 5 - 7

Year 3 Reasoning, convincing and proving
Age: 7-11

Year 4 Reasoning, convincing and proving
Age: 7-11

Year 5 Reasoning, convincing and proving
Age: 7-11

Year 6 Reasoning, convincing and proving
Age: 7-11