Would you rather?
Would you rather: Have 10% of £5 or 75% of 80p? Be given 60% of 2 pizzas or 26% of 5 pizzas?
Diagonally square
Treasure hunt
Can you find a reliable strategy for choosing coordinates that will locate the treasure in the minimum number of guesses?
Round a hexagon
This problem shows that the external angles of an irregular hexagon add to a circle.
Always, sometimes or never? Number
Are these statements always true, sometimes true or never true?
Always, sometimes or never? Shape
Are these statements always true, sometimes true or never true?
Name that triangle!
Can you sketch triangles that fit in the cells in this grid? Which ones are impossible? How do you know?
Diagonal sums
In this 100 square, look at the green square which contains the numbers 2, 3, 12 and 13. What is the sum of the numbers that are diagonally opposite each other? What do you notice?
Number lines in disguise
So it's times!
How will you decide which way of flipping over and/or turning the grid will give you the highest total?