This collection is one of our Primary Curriculum collections - tasks that are grouped by topic.

A bit of a dicey problem
When you throw two regular, six-faced dice you have more chance of getting one particular result than any other. What result would that be? Why is this?

Tricky track
In this game you throw two dice and find their total, then move the appropriate counter to the right. Which counter reaches the purple box first?

You'll need to work in a group for this problem. The idea is to decide, as a group, whether you agree or disagree with each statement.

The twelve pointed star game
Have a go at this game which involves throwing two dice and adding their totals. Where should you place your counters to be more likely to win?

Winning the lottery
Find out about the lottery that is played in a far-away land. What is the chance of winning?

Have a look at this data from the RSPB 2011 Birdwatch. What can you say about the data?

Same or different?
Anna and Becky put one purple cube and two yellow cubes into a bag to play a game. Is the game fair? Explain your answer.