These activities are part of our Primary collections, which are problems grouped by topic.
Magic Vs
Can you put the numbers 1-5 in the V shape so that both 'arms' have the same total?
Roman Numerals
Can you find some examples when the number of Roman numerals is fewer than the number of Arabic numerals for the same number?
Four-digit targets
You have two sets of the digits 0-9. Can you arrange these in the five boxes to make four-digit numbers as close to the target numbers as possible?
Representing Numbers
Find as many different ways of representing this number of dots as you can.
Coded hundred square
This 100 square jigsaw is written in code. It starts with 1 and ends with 100. Can you build it up?
Satisfying Four Statements
Can you find any two-digit numbers that satisfy all of these statements?
Nice or Nasty
There are nasty versions of this dice game but we'll start with the nice ones...
Number match
A task which depends on members of the group noticing the needs of others and responding.
Less is More
Use your knowledge of place value to try to win this game. How will you maximise your score?
Planning a School Trip
You are organising a school trip and you need to write a letter to parents to let them know about the day. Use the cards to gather all the information you need.
Take three numbers
What happens when you add three numbers together? Will your answer be odd or even? How do you know?
Which Scripts?
There are six numbers written in five different scripts. Can you sort out which is which?
The Deca Tree
Find out what a Deca Tree is and then work out how many leaves there will be after the woodcutter has cut off a trunk, a branch, a twig and a leaf.
Round the Four Dice
This activity involves rounding four-digit numbers to the nearest thousand.
A Mixed-up Clock
There is a clock-face where the numbers have become all mixed up. Can you find out where all the numbers have got to from these ten statements?
Round the Three Dice
What happens when you round these three-digit numbers to the nearest 100?
Number Differences
Place the numbers from 1 to 9 in the squares below so that the difference between joined squares is odd. How many different ways can you do this?
Reasoned Rounding
Four strategy dice games to consolidate pupils' understanding of rounding.
Swimming Pool
In this problem, we're investigating the number of steps we would climb up or down to get out of or into the swimming pool. How could you number the steps below the water?
Count Me In
How do you know whether you will reach these numbers when you count in steps of six from zero?
First Connect Three
Add or subtract the two numbers on the spinners and try to complete a row of three. Are there some numbers that are good to aim for?
Tug Harder!
In this game, you can add, subtract, multiply or divide the numbers on the dice. Which will you do so that you get to the end of the number line first?
Sea Level
The picture shows a lighthouse and some underwater creatures. Can you work out the distances between some of the different creatures?
Space distances
This task focuses on distances travelled by the asteroid Florence. It's an opportunity to work with very large numbers.
Number Lines in Disguise
Some of the numbers have fallen off Becky's number line. Can you figure out what they were?
What Distance?
Can you use addition and subtraction to answer these questions about real-life distances?
Square subtraction
Look at what happens when you take a number, square it and subtract your answer. What kind of number do you get? Can you prove it?