Same length trains
How many trains can you make which are the same length as Matt's and Katie's, using rods that are identical?
Find the difference
Place the numbers 1 to 6 in the circles so that each number is the difference between the two numbers just below it.
How would we count?
An activity centred around observations of dots and how we visualise number arrangement patterns.
Ip dip
"Ip dip sky blue! Who's 'it'? It's you!" Where would you position yourself so that you are 'it' if there are two players? Three players ...?
Fraction match
A task which depends on members of the group noticing the needs of others and responding.
Doing and undoing
An investigation looking at doing and undoing mathematical operations focusing on doubling, halving, adding and subtracting.
Happy halving
Can you split each of the shapes below in half so that the two parts are exactly the same?
Break it up!
In how many different ways can you break up a stick of seven interlocking cubes? Now try with a stick of eight cubes and a stick of six cubes. What do you notice?
I like ...
Mr Gilderdale is playing a game with his class. What rule might he have chosen? How would you test your idea?