Four triangles puzzle
Cut four triangles from a square as shown in the picture. How many different shapes can you make by fitting the four triangles back together?

Sort the street
Sort the houses in my street into different groups. Can you do it in any other ways?

Inside triangles
How many different triangles can you draw which each have one dot in the middle?

Poly plug rectangles
The computer has made a rectangle and will tell you the number of spots it uses in total. Can you find out where the rectangle is?

How many?
Have a look at these photos of different fruit. How many do you see? How did you count?

Nine-pin triangles
How many different triangles can you make on a circular pegboard that has nine pegs?

Neighbourly addition
I added together some of my neighbours' house numbers. Can you explain the patterns I noticed?

Reach 100
Choose four different digits from 1-9 and put one in each box so that the resulting four two-digit numbers add to a total of 100.