Poly plug rectangles
The computer has made a rectangle and will tell you the number of spots it uses in total. Can you find out where the rectangle is?

Heads and feet

Eggs in baskets
There are three baskets, a brown one, a red one and a pink one, holding a total of 10 eggs. How many eggs are in each basket?

4 dom

The tall tower

Magic Vs
Can you put the numbers 1-5 in the V shape so that both 'arms' have the same total?

Coded hundred square
This 100 square jigsaw is written in code. It starts with 1 and ends with 100. Can you build it up?

Nice or nasty
There are nasty versions of this dice game but we'll start with the nice ones...

Play to 37

Satisfying four statements

More Dicey operations
In these multiplication and division games, you'll need to think strategically to get closest to the target.

The remainders game
Play this game and see if you can figure out the computer's chosen number.

Dicey operations
In these addition and subtraction games, you'll need to think strategically to get closest to the target.

Shape times shape
These eleven shapes each stand for a different number. Can you use the number sentences to work out what they are?

First connect three

Number lines in disguise

Twenty divided into six
Katie had a pack of 20 cards numbered from 1 to 20. She arranged the cards into 6 unequal piles where each pile added to the same total. What was the total and how could this be done?

Mystery matrix

Sealed solution

Four go

Two and two
How many solutions can you find to this sum? Each of the different letters stands for a different number.