
Mathematical introductions

An Introduction to Tree Diagrams

An introduction to tree diagrams

This article explains how tree diagrams are constructed and helps you to understand how they can be used to calculate probabilities.
An introduction to polar coordinates

An introduction to polar coordinates

This introduction to polar coordinates describes what is an effective way to specify position. This article explains how to convert between polar and cartesian coordinates and also encourages the creation of some attractive curves from some relatively easy equations.
An introduction to vectors

An introduction to vectors

The article provides a summary of the elementary ideas about vectors usually met in school mathematics, describes what vectors are and how to add, subtract and multiply them by scalars and indicates why they are useful.
An Introduction to Galois Theory

An introduction to Galois theory

This article only skims the surface of Galois theory and should probably be accessible to a 17 or 18 year old school student with a strong interest in mathematics.