These articles, written for upper primary students, are on a range of topics. Some focus on the history of different aspects of maths, some give information about areas of maths and some offer you ideas about mathematical items to make and activities to do.

Drawing doodles and naming knots
This article for students introduces the idea of naming knots using numbers. You'll need some paper and something to write with handy!

Celtic knotwork patterns
This article for pupils gives an introduction to Celtic knotwork
patterns and a feel for how you can draw them.

Dancing with maths
An article for students and teachers on symmetry and square dancing. What do the symmetries of the square have to do with a dos-e-dos or a swing? Find out more?

Paper folding - models of the Platonic solids
A description of how to make the five Platonic solids out of paper.

Mathematical patchwork
Jenny Murray describes the mathematical processes behind making patchwork in this article for students.

Bands and bridges: bringing topology back
Lyndon Baker describes how the Mobius strip and Euler's law can
introduce pupils to the idea of topology.

Measure for measure
This article, written for students, looks at how some measuring units and devices were developed.

Circles, circles everywhere
This article for pupils gives some examples of how circles have featured in people's lives for centuries.

The new millennium: when did it begin?
Not everybody agreed that the Third Millennium actually began on January 1st 2000. Find out why by reading this brief article.

Can you find a perfect number?
Can you find any perfect numbers? Read this article to find out more...

The Konigsberg bridge problem
This article for pupils describes the famous Konigsberg Bridge problem.

An introduction to magic squares
Find out about Magic Squares in this article written for students. Why are they magic?!

St Ives
As I was going to St Ives, I met a man with seven wives. Every wife had seven sacks, every sack had seven cats, every cat had seven kittens. Kittens, cats, sacks and wives, how many were going to St Ives?

Sprouts explained
This article invites you to get familiar with a strategic game called "sprouts". The game is simple enough for younger children to understand, and has also provided experienced mathematicians with significant food for thought.

Got it article
This article gives you a few ideas for understanding the Got It! game and how you might find a winning strategy.

Zooming in on the squares
Start with a large square, join the midpoints of its sides, you'll see four right angled triangles. Remove these triangles, a second square is left. Repeat the operation. What happens?