Pythagorean fibs
What have Fibonacci numbers got to do with Pythagorean triples?
Given the formula for the $n$th Fibonacci number, namely $F_n={1\over\sqrt5}(\alpha^n-\beta^n)$ where $\alpha$ and $\beta$ are solutions of the quadratic equation $x^2-x-1=0$ and $\alpha > \beta$, prove that
(1) $(\alpha + {1\over \alpha})=-(\beta +{1\over \beta}) =\sqrt 5$,
(2) $F_n^2 + F_{n+1}^2 = F_{2n+1}$ where $F_n$ is the $n$th Fibonacci number and
(3) for any four consecutive Fibonacci numbers $F_n \ldots F_{n+3}$ the formula
Getting Started
Parts (2) and (3) use the earlier parts of the question.
For part (3), as usual try small values of $n$ first, look for a pattern and make a conjecture about the result you expect might always be true.
To prove your conjecture take
Teachers' Resources
The Fibonacci sequence is defined by the recurrence relation (sometimes called 'difference equation')
Putting $n=1$ and $F_1 = 1$ and multiplying by 2
This problem complements the material in the article
For a sequence of, mainly more elementary, problems on these topics see Golden Mathematics