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NRICH Live for teachers webinars

The NRICH team offers regular teacher webinars, in which we introduce some of our latest resources. The webinars provide an opportunity for participants to do some mathematics together and consider how the new tasks can be used in their classrooms to develop students' mathematical thinking.

We are very grateful to Trinity College, Cambridge for generously funding these events.

Links to previous NRICH Live webinars are available below.

The April/May 2024 resources and recording are on the theme of Developing mathematical thinking - working systematically

The March 2024 resources and recording are on the theme of Developing mathematical thinking - exploring and noticing

The January 2024 resources and recording are on the theme of Supporting students to work collaboratively

The November 2023 resources and video recordings are on the theme of Supporting parental engagement with mathematics

In November 2023, a webinar introduced an exciting new series of maths resources designed by the Natural Curriculum in partnership with NRICH

The video recordings are on the theme of bringing the best of the BBC’s natural history video library to the Primary maths classroom

The September 2023 video recording introduces Xavi's T-shirt, a task which focuses on the Poperties of numbers

The June 2023 resources and video recording are on the theme of Nurturing Students' Curiosity

The April 2023 resources and video recording are on the theme of Visualising Quadrilaterals

The February 2023 resources and video recording are on the theme of Developing Students' Resilience

The November 2022 resources and video recording are on the theme of Place Value.

The October 2022 resources and video recording are on the theme of Introducing Mathematical Sudokus

The September 2022 resources and video recording are both on the theme of Starting the Term with Rich Tasks

The June 2022 resources and video recordings are on the following themes:

Primary Theme: Pattern and Structure

Secondary Theme: Efficient and Elegant Algebra

The April 2022 resources and video recordings are on the following themes:

Primary Theme: Outdoor Maths

Secondary Theme: Logically Speaking

The March 2022 resources and video recordings are on the following themes:

Primary Theme: Proof Through Words - Geometry

Secondary Theme: Circular Logic

The January 2022 resources and video recordings are on the following themes:

Primary Theme: Proof Through Words - Number

Secondary Theme: Proof for All (st)ages

The November 2021 resources and video recordings are on the following themes:

Primary Theme: Going Deeper with Geometry

Secondary Theme: Climate Change, Carbon Footprints and Maths

The September 2021 resources and video recordings are on the following themes:

Primary Theme: Going Deeper with Number

Secondary Theme: Networks and Graph Theory

The June 2021 resources and video recordings are on the following themes:

Primary Theme: Playing Strategically

Secondary Theme: Planning Strategically

The April 2021 resources and video recordings are on the following themes:

Primary Theme: Exploring Factors and Multiples

Secondary Theme: Properties of Numbers and Modular Arithmetic

The March 2021 resources and video recordings are on the following themes:

Primary Theme: Data Handling

Secondary Theme: Number Theory

The January 2021 resources and video recordings are on the following themes:

Primary Theme: Equivalence

Secondary Theme: Equations and Graphs

The October 2020 resources and video recordings are both on the theme of Nurturing Successful Mathematicians

You can also access information and booking details for the next NRICH Live webinars.